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Topic: Personal Tutors  (Read 1958 times)

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Personal Tutors
« on: September 15, 2005, 06:14:51 PM »
how helpful is yours?? have you got one ???
But never fear, gentlemen; castration was really not the point of feminism, and we women are too busy eviscerating one another to take you on.

Re: Personal Tutors
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2005, 07:22:43 PM »
I dont start my course for two more weeks but I was informed I would be assigned a tutor. Im really counting on his/her help especially for the first several weeks as I havent taken classes in a few years.
Do you have one Alicia?

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Re: Personal Tutors
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2005, 07:56:16 PM »
I do and she's not great she's got the cases of staffitis (inflamation of the ego)  :P

took 3 months to actually get an appointment with that woman and she wasn't that helpful with my portfolio apparently 2nd and 3rd yr students have complained about her..the other tutors are lovely though.
But never fear, gentlemen; castration was really not the point of feminism, and we women are too busy eviscerating one another to take you on.

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Re: Personal Tutors
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2005, 07:32:21 AM »
In my cohort personal tutors have groups of about 15-20 and they meet up a couple of times a year (as a group) and once a year individually to have cross branch stuff signed off.  My "group" included me and another woman, just the two of us, so we made our appointment with Dr. So and So (i thought this was pretty impressive, he is head of something or another) and needless to say, he didn't have a clue!  He gave us his card and said to call his secretary if we ever needed anything and that basically was it.  Well, the end of the year came around and I needed my cross branch things looked at, made my appointment and went to see him.  His first comment was, "what am I supposed to be doing with this?"  so I had to explain how he had to ask me questions and write down comments to show that I did have a bit of knowledge about the other branches, sign off the sheets and then he sends them to who-knows-where.  That was the tricky bit,,,he didn't know where they went and when I looked around his office, I was afraid to leave him anything for fear they would fall in a black hole and never be found and I'd have to do the whole year over!  I suggested that I take the paperwork to programme admin myself and let them deal with them, of which he was very grateful!! 

Before I left his office, he asked my why I was doing this programme again because I had been qualified as an LPN.  He said it was pretty silly for me to have to do the whole 3 years again, which I agreed with him, but I had to remind him that the NMC wouldn't budge and give me any credit for my previous work.

Do I like my tutor??? Yeah, he's very nice, but useless!  Fortunately, we have some excellent tutors and practice educators that are easily accessible.

Re: Personal Tutors
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2005, 11:29:24 AM »
Mine's useless and discourages us from visiting him.  ::)

I managed to get all B's and A's last year without once setting foot in his office and plan to do the same this year. One thing's certain he won't be my dissertation supervisor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Personal Tutors
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2005, 12:10:26 PM »
Mine is great!  He is interested in my dissertation topic, although it's still a bit vague, and I'll be working with him on an up-coming degree assessment.  Maybe it helps that he's in management, but he's an ace.

Can you change your PAT, Alicia?  Is it done here?

Barbara-g and AnneR,  My dissertation will be about why unis place academics in admin positions when they wouldn't hire someone for a similar position without bags of admin experience, i.e. department heads and student advisors v. registry heads and international advisors.  Can I keep you both in mind for interviews later on?
When I find a funnier sig than twistedncynical's, it will be here.

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Re: Personal Tutors
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2005, 04:14:30 PM »

Barbara-g and AnneR,  My dissertation will be about why unis place academics in admin positions when they wouldn't hire someone for a similar position without bags of admin experience, i.e. department heads and student advisors v. registry heads and international advisors.  Can I keep you both in mind for interviews later on?

Sure.  As far as I know, I'm the only one in my cohort  that has a department head rather than a senior lecturer.

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Re: Personal Tutors
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2005, 05:00:14 PM »
Dunno if you are all doing nursing type degrees or what but I'm in humanities/arts so it might be different. My primary supervisor is wonderful though I do have to chase him for things now and then because he's so busy (paperwork is not his forte!). As I'm no longer based at the Uni, my contact with him his primarily email but if I were back on campus, I could pretty much see him when I wanted to.

My larger 'research advisory group', lovingly shortened to RAG, is worse. It's my supervisor and 2 other academic staff who basically play devils advocate and annoy the heck out of you. Fortunately, I  only see them about once a term.
When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life. ~ John Lennon

Re: Personal Tutors
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2005, 03:53:55 PM »
I got assigned my personal tutor a few days ago. So funny because her name is Dr. Stephanie Forward. When I received my first email from her I thought it was actually a forward form my friend Stephanie! lol
Anyway she seems really cool. We call her "Steph" and we'll all be getting together in Birmingham in two weeks. So far she seems very supportive. She marked my first assignment yesterday and her words really encouraged me.

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