Just a brief recap.......
I applied to the Health Professions Council (HPC) back in May to become a registered BMS (Biomedical Scientist) in Cytology, which is the professional equivalent of what I do here in the states. This was my first major hurdle to moving to the UK. My application was ridiculously detailed and took me weeks to compile. All of my educational history, work history, references, etc. I sent it off in May and have been waiting to hear back from them ever since.
I found out this morning that my application has been APPROVED and I am now a real live BMS, legal to work in the UK!!!!!
I am over the moon!!!! There was a real chance that they could have required some re-training or additional courses if they didn't feel that my education had been up to snuff. That in itself would not have been the end of the world, but would have meant that I would have had to work at a reduced salary and limited my job opportunities so this is a real blessing and weight off of my mind.
I am still shaking a bit from the emotions of it all. What a FABULOUS way to start my week. YIPPEE!!!!!!
Now to get this house sold......