I have been reading all the stories on here. Here is my situation: I went to visit friend in UK. I was refused entry. They said they felt I was not coming back to the US. I had shipped furniture over, paperwork for job hunting, etc. I told them I was visiting this guy and I called the consulate first to see the steps I needed to take, which were: come over, get a job, job applies for permit, i come back to US to get work visa. Obviously this is not correct.
So I was refused entry. They let me stay for 4 days. During that 4 days my friend and I decided to get married. We are not married at the moment. Our plan was for him to come here, get married in Las Vegas, then go to NY and apply for spousal visa in person. Now he is being told by someone that because he was arrested a few years ago for drunk and disorderly, he will need to get a visa to come here, and that will take a few months.
So, now our choices are to:
1. Chance it he will not be refused entry on a visit to Vegas.
2. Wait for him to get a visa (which he may or may not get)
3. Him not come at all and me go to NY to get finace visa.
Our relationship has been only for a short period of time, less than a year. We have only been together in person for those 4 days I was in UK.
Relationship is real and we intend to marry and stay married, as we do love one another.
Please, any experience on something like this? Thanks.