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Topic: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?  (Read 3446 times)

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2005, 01:40:16 AM »
I don't know if you're a Lush junkie, but they just opened a store on Michigan Ave. last week!

I KNOW!!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! From what my secret spies tell me, they don't have as much of the really fresh stuff, like some of the hair conditioners etc, because by the time they arrive and are sold they are bad...

candice said:
Hobnobs, Jaffa cakes, Revels...all can be found online, but it's not quite the same.

We get them at our local World Market!! Along with PG Tips. :D

carolyn_b said:
Ages & ages ago, I went to one or two different Indian restaurants that were in Overland Park - they weren't too bad.  Don't remember the names & addresses though & no tellin' if they're still there (again it was eons back).  Hijack:  OMG - how I miss KC BBQ though!  Gates, and the Smokestack in Martin City!!

Whem my in-laws come to visit in a few weeks we'll be taking them to Gates... also to a Blues Bar that is supposed to have really good KC BBQ, but I forget the name of it at the moment. The Indian place that I was talking about is the one in Overland Park! It was a buffet style, and the best we've had so far - but still nothing like our favorites in the UK. FOr one thing, there were no poppadums! Tragedy!!!
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

Angels are made out of Coffee Beans, Noodles, and Carbon.


Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #16 on: October 23, 2005, 05:35:13 AM »
I KNOW!!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! From what my secret spies tell me, they don't have as much of the really fresh stuff, like some of the hair conditioners etc, because by the time they arrive and are sold they are bad...

That's good to know.  But, I'm still looking forward to my first foray into the world of Lush next time I head down to Chicago.  Woo Hoo!!!!  ;D

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #17 on: October 23, 2005, 10:39:10 AM »
...also to a Blues Bar that is supposed to have really good KC BBQ, but I forget the name of it at the moment...

I think I know the one you're talking about, but I can't remember the name either!  Did they ever get around to any more revitalisation of the 12th Street & Vine area? :)  You know...

I'm goin' be stand on the corner
Twelfth Street and Vine
I'm goin' be stand on the corner
Twelfth Street and Vine
With my Kansas City baby
And a bottle of Kansas City wine.

Do Gates still do the 'Hi! May I help you!?!?!' stick the moment you walk in the door?  You really should try the Smokestack in Martin City if you've never been -- it was delish!  I think they were most known for their smoked fish.  Are you going to see (or have you been before) to watch them turn the Plaza lights on this year? ;D  Sorry for the hijack, everyone...  I left KC in 1997, haven't been back since & Marlespo's posts got me nostalgic.
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in...

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #18 on: October 23, 2005, 04:11:17 PM »
We haven't been to Gates yet, we're saving it for their trip. :) And yep - we go to the Plaza quite a bit actually, and always love the lights. :D
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2005, 03:25:58 PM »
I miss a lot more of England than I thought I would.

Worstershire (sp?) flavored crisps (among many others...there just aren't that many flavor varieties here and after getting over the "that's kinda strange" feeling, I really loved them)

All things UK chocolate. So much better there...even the M&Ms. Just tastes higher quality. I've been ruined for good chocolate. :)

My husband really missed mushy peas...but we stumbled across them in our local World Market (along with real UK chocolate like...Mint and regular Aero bars...and Flake...and Dairy Milk and more)

Real pork and beef sausages. Must say I grew quite attached to the flavor of them myself...particularly the Asda brand. Can't find anything like it where we are. To get some specially made at a meat shop, it's going to be $6 a lb...and we have to buy 10 lbs.

Non-smoked bacon. It's been a struggle finding this...I have a picky eater. :)

Sunday roasts...which we do ourselves on ocassion...but it's not the same

Barnecutt's Cornish Pasties and sausage rolls! (We've tried our hand at making pasties...they came out all right, but not the same)

The Bodmin Chicken House.

UK KFC...They don't do sandwiches like that here.

McDonald's Chicken Premiere. Nothing like it here.

The weather....I like cold and rainy with the ocassional bright day. We live in SW Florida. There is no cold and rainy, unless a hurricane comes through in late october.

My MIL's dogs. And walking the Camel Trail with said dogs. I *wish* I had something like that within walking distance to take my dog too. He would love it.

The countryside.

The hills.

The accents. :)

Pizza dough mix from Asda. Their brand is so much better than what I've found here. (back to food, I see :)

Tinned beans and sausages...also Asda brand. Haven't found the same here. Did find some real Heinz Baked Beans imported, though.

Crawfords chocolate digestives. McVitty's digestives and rich teas.

Lenore. I loved how freshly washed clothes with that softener smelled.

Tetley's tea. We found Tetley's in Publix...but it's not the round bag, it's the US style bag with a string. I think the round bags made better tea...could just be me, though. :)

The history and culture of the region as a whole. I love history and literature. My minor was in Early British Literature. It was just so....excellent being in the place that so many of my favorite works came from.

I think I'll stop there before I add another page to this thread.


Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2005, 08:17:48 PM »

We haven't moved back yet (always a question but inevitable that we will)...off the top of my head, I will miss the the weekends walking in countryside terribly AND great newspapers for our Saturday and Sunday breakfasts at home! Yes, I have become accustomed to not going out for a good breakfast.

As for the bacon....thanks to another thread, I purchased good old Oscar Meyer last week at Sainburys...I was in heaven! Ahh, a guilty pleasure from America!  ;)

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2005, 07:48:10 AM »
I miss doing the easy crossowrd in the back of the G2 insert of the Guardian...
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2005, 12:17:08 AM »
Target now stocks lines from Boots, including No 7 and Botanicals!!!

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2005, 12:53:24 AM »
Not all Targets carry Boots' lines yet. There are many Targets in my area and only one has the "British Aisle"

There are "target" cities they are test marketing in the US.

I was also told by the Boots' "Beauty Assistant" that CVS pharmacies on the east coast were also participating... I didn't see it though.

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