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Topic: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?  (Read 3448 times)

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What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« on: October 21, 2005, 03:34:02 PM »
Today's weather is making me quite homesick for the UK!

For those of us who have made The Move back to America, what are the things you have sent over, crave, or wish you had? My in-laws are coming over in a month for a visit and I had to have a real think about what I wanted them to bring for me, I had a tough time keeping the list short! Here are a few of the things I've requested:

Boots bath products (there are some Boots in the US, but not near enough to me, and they don't sell everything)
Shwartz Jamaican Jerk spice (I used this ALL the time over there, and I don't like any of the US equivalents!)
Walkers Cheese & Onion crisps
Marmite (Hubby found it here, imported, but it is tres expensive!)
Next baby clothes (some of my all time favorite baby clothes)
Sanctuary Spa bath products (bought at Boots, my secret boyfriend)
Marks & Spencers bath products

The other things she is bringing me is some of my husband's grandmother's lemon sponge cake. She makes the best in the universe, and I'm not even going to *try* to make it!

Our next trip to the UK is set for March (we're luky that we get to go back to our UK home at least once a year) and I can't WAIT to do some grocery shopping at M&S, go for a proper Indian meal, (impossible to find here, but perhaps we'll have better luck in Chicago?), and well... about a million other things. Hopefully we can stay for 2 weeks!

I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2005, 03:54:32 PM »
I am sure I will miss Indian food once we get back...........but until we actually do this I suppose it is hard for to think what actually I would miss...

Isn't if funny what little things makes you homesick..........

Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2005, 04:00:01 PM »
I am sure I will miss Indian food once we get back...........but until we actually do this I suppose it is hard for to think what actually I would miss...

Isn't if funny what little things makes you homesick..........

Darlin' they do Indian food in the US!!!   ;) There are some amazing places in NYC!

I was only in the US for 5 weeks this time, but I was so missing the High Street for some reason!  And when I am here I hate it, everyone walks into you, but I missed it like mad!  That and this great salad at Pizza Express.

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2005, 04:02:56 PM »
Not is the USA, but since we did it the reverse I can say what we did miss there...
my husband missed Walkers crisps.

I have always made Indian or lived near and Indian, but he would have missed that if he had not had it.  


Devon custard, some of the cheeses -until we found them.

All things UK Cadbury's.

He really missed back bacon... we used to find it upon occasion though.  

I missed Lemon fanta...

All things Kinder (though those are German)

those are some things I can think of now. :)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2005, 04:04:46 PM by vnicepeeps »
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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2005, 04:03:51 PM »
Sara, PM me your address.  I won't take no for an answer!  ;)

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2005, 04:40:32 PM »
Darlin' they do Indian food in the US!!!   ;) There are some amazing places in NYC!

We've heard rumors of good Indian places... but certainly not here in Missouri! Can't wait to make that move to Chicago, I'm *sure* there is one there somewhere...

Also... Pizza Express!!! I miss that place like MAD, we went there all the time when I was pregnant with Philip for their dough balls. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

Angels are made out of Coffee Beans, Noodles, and Carbon.


Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2005, 04:42:32 PM »
We've heard rumors of good Indian places... but certainly not here in Missouri! Can't wait to make that move to Chicago, I'm *sure* there is one there somewhere...

Also... Pizza Express!!! I miss that place like MAD, we went there all the time when I was pregnant with Philip for their dough balls. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

Oh no, no Indian Food in Missouri!  That is not cool!!!!  Don't you love Chicago ;D  (We might end up there as well one day!)

Dough Balls!!!!  Hmmm, do they deliver?

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2005, 04:45:25 PM »
It is a good thing Pizza Express didn't deliver, otherwise I'd have gained 183 pounds with Philip! There are a few Indian restaurants here in the KC Metro ((one called the Korma Sutra!!!)) - but none of them have been very good.  :-\\\\ Indian food is the 1 thing my English hubby misses the most about being back home - other than family.  ;)

And yep - we're REALLY excited to be living in the Chicago area, we'll feel a lot more at home there than we do here. ANd I nearly explode at the thought of being able to take the train down to Michigan avenue for a day on a whim!
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

Angels are made out of Coffee Beans, Noodles, and Carbon.


Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2005, 04:48:19 PM »
It is a good thing Pizza Express didn't deliver, otherwise I'd have gained 183 pounds with Philip! There are a few Indian restaurants here in the KC Metro ((one called the Korma Sutra!!!)) - but none of them have been very good.  :-\\\\ Indian food is the 1 thing my English hubby misses the most about being back home - other than family.  ;)

And yep - we're REALLY excited to be living in the Chicago area, we'll feel a lot more at home there than we do here. ANd I nearly explode at the thought of being able to take the train down to Michigan avenue for a day on a whim!

OMG, I nearly fell on the floor reading that!  It's really called Korma Sutra!  That is classic!

Rich says he would really miss Squash!  I want to hit him sometimes!

Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2005, 04:59:47 PM »
I miss GOOD cheese and GOOD chocolate!!!!!!! Oh, and Boots foot products!

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2005, 05:09:56 PM »
Darlin' they do Indian food in the US!!!   ;) There are some amazing places in NYC!

I was only in the US for 5 weeks this time, but I was so missing the High Street for some reason!  And when I am here I hate it, everyone walks into you, but I missed it like mad!  That and this great salad at Pizza Express.

Not in small town Oklahoma..either..which is where I am gonna be stuck at.................. :\\\'( WAHHHHHHHH!!!

Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2005, 05:19:04 PM »

Not in small town Oklahoma..either..which is where I am gonna be stuck at.................. :\\\'( WAHHHHHHHH!!!

Treat yourself to a trip to NY every so often!  I can give you addresses of places that are a must!

Now I want a Curry!

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2005, 07:30:06 PM »
There are a few Indian restaurants here in the KC Metro ((one called the Korma Sutra!!!)) - but none of them have been very good. 

Ages & ages ago, I went to one or two different Indian restaurants that were in Overland Park - they weren't too bad.  Don't remember the names & addresses though & no tellin' if they're still there (again it was eons back).  Hijack:  OMG - how I miss KC BBQ though!  Gates, and the Smokestack in Martin City!!  (Also quite a drive away there was a little hole-in-the-wall BBQ place out in the middle of nowhere - maybe Osage County, KS? - that the bikers all frequented & it was awesome.)
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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2005, 09:46:24 PM »
I don't know if you're a Lush junkie, but they just opened a store on Michigan Ave. last week!

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Re: What UK things do you crave now that you are in the US?
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2005, 05:55:27 AM »
I miss GOOD cheese and GOOD chocolate!!!!!!! Oh, and Boots foot products!
Me too!  Especially the cheese.  I have become addicted to Parmesan and Swiss since coming back here, because I cannot find a GOOD cheddar for the life of me, and they're the next best thing.  :(

Hobnobs, Jaffa cakes, Revels...all can be found online, but it's not quite the same. 

Good tea.  And being offered said tea every 10 minutes.   ;D

Fairtrade anything.  It's almost nonexistant here.  Eating chocolate here makes me feel guilty twice because of it.   :-X 
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