are we missing anything here though guys? i mean, doesn't this person have to extend the job to others in the UK market before hiring a US person and trying to get them over?
i mean, a friend can't just hire a friend from another country, right?
am i thinking of the wrong visa?!
This is where I'm getting confused, too.
* * * * *
Okay - I went back and read the OP's posts and it seems this is the situation:
Lou is a UK citizen and wants to move back to the UK after having lived in Canada.
Lou and his/her partner have been together long enough for the partner to qualify under the Unmarried Partner visa to move to the UK with Lou.
The offer of employment is for Lou's partner - and as far as I know isn't an actual *requirement* because it is not a requirement of the Unmarried Partner visa that you actually are employed when you get to the UK - as long as your partner can support you. I mean, they can't FORCE you to be a two-income family!
Have I got this right?
Just a note - it helps when posting and asking questions to give as much complete and coherent information about the situation as possible. Otherwise it gets confusing and you might end up with conflicting information.