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Topic: Failed my 1st driving test  (Read 2381 times)

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Failed my 1st driving test
« on: November 02, 2005, 11:36:51 AM »

Out of the 5 people that took their tests at 8:40 this morning, only one passed, and sadly it wasn't me.  The weird thing was that I thought I did pretty good too.  I failed on mirror observation at a roundabout (thought I did ok) and the emergency stop, which I never practiced with my driving instructor.  He told me not to SLAM on the brakes, so I didn't - I just stopped quick like.  Wasn't quick enough I guess - serious fault on that as well.  To be fair, my driving examiner said the test was well within my capabilities, and my driving instructor said that he was hoping that I wouldn't get the examiner that I did, cause he is known for being quite harsh.  Not an excuse though, I just wanted to pass so badly.  I told myself that I wouldn't be disappointed if I failed cause I guess the pass rate for Huddersfield (where I am) is only about 32%, but still.  I wasn't expecting to pass, but it would have been really nice if I would have. 


Planning on booking the test again, but the stupid wait time around here is still like 8 weeks - I'll be dead of a heart attack from all of the worry and anxiety of it all. 

Thanks for listening to me whinge about it

- Sari
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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2005, 11:41:57 AM »
I feel for you. I am taking driving lessons at the moment and had to change instructors a few weeks in. I don't like my new one as much, but I don't want to switch again and almost start over. I'm in Leeds - rodley/horsforth area and really hope i pass mine. I haven't even taken the theory/hazard perception yet b/c my instructor wants me to leave it til last minute (I don't agree). I have had plenty of lessons - the stupid mirrors thing - give me a break! I am goign to run into someone in front of me before I worry about someone behind me in a mirror. I don't get all of the requirements/strictness. I'm just doing it so I can drive my bf's company car or get my own someday over here. Good luck - keep us up to date and I really hope you get it next time.
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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2005, 11:43:12 AM »
Bad luck.    It's probably not much consolation, but those of us who passed a test here years ago would most likely fail if we tried to take it today.

He told me not to SLAM on the brakes, so I didn't - I just stopped quick like.  Wasn't quick enough I guess - serious fault on that as well.  

My father used to tell of his driving test and the emergency stop.   Apparently he stopped rather more quickly than the examiner was expecting and sent him flying into the dash.    He passed.   ;D
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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2005, 12:01:10 PM »
It's flamin' horrible trying to pass here. I passed on my 3rd time, driving automatic, the previous 2 attempts were one very minor mistake and both instructors said I drove fantastic but still failed me! Bastards! I drove in the US for 15yrs before coming here. Luckily my stepdad is a driving instructor who gave me free lessons, it still sucked lemons though.

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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2005, 12:04:02 PM »
aww, im sorry :(

yeah, im pretty much expecting to fail at almost everything i do here for awhile. been on two interviews so far, both were horrendous. i cant even imagine a driving test.
married my husband and moved to england sept 2005, moved back to USA sept 2008

Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2005, 12:07:05 PM »
Sorry!  :(  I don't drive at all, so me passing the first time would be a miracle!   :-\\\\

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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2005, 12:36:14 PM »
I feel for you. I am taking driving lessons at the moment and had to change instructors a few weeks in. I don't like my new one as much, but I don't want to switch again and almost start over. I'm in Leeds - rodley/horsforth area and really hope i pass mine. I haven't even taken the theory/hazard perception yet b/c my instructor wants me to leave it til last minute (I don't agree). I have had plenty of lessons - the stupid mirrors thing - give me a break! I am goign to run into someone in front of me before I worry about someone behind me in a mirror. I don't get all of the requirements/strictness. I'm just doing it so I can drive my bf's company car or get my own someday over here. Good luck - keep us up to date and I really hope you get it next time.

I've had about 8 lessons so far - I drove a manual transmission back home and have never been in an accident, but I understand and realize that it's just different driving over here as opposed to back home.  You know, I took my theory and hazard perception before I even had a driving instructor - it's kinda good to know you can do those things/know the rules of the road before you are on them, don't you think??  (so that would be me telling you that if I were you, I'd take it anyways, I did, passed that on the first go)  I don't really get all of the strictness in regards to that either, but I guess that's how they want you to do it so you just have to do it, right..?  Ah well, good luck with your lessons, why did you switch DI's?  I'm lucky, mine is good and has a sarcastic sense of humour just like me, and I couldn't imagine being with a DI that I didn't like so much. 
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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2005, 12:40:24 PM »
Bad luck.    It's probably not much consolation, but those of us who passed a test here years ago would most likely fail if we tried to take it today.

My father used to tell of his driving test and the emergency stop.   Apparently he stopped rather more quickly than the examiner was expecting and sent him flying into the dash.    He passed.   ;D

yeah, that's what all of my hubby's family is saying.  It isn't much consolation, but thanks all the same.  :)  That's a great story about the emergency stop, will keep it in consideration should I have to do it again :D

Thanks everyone for your kind words, it's not the end of the world, is it?  (all though it feels pretty terrible, haha)

karenn, hope things will get better for you!  Drove though Acrington on the way to a football match a month back and thought of ya!  :)
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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2005, 12:50:46 PM »
sry, didn't fill that in. My original di was great, I really liked him. He is now an examiner. I really hope I get him for the test b/c I'll be more relaxed. My new one is ok, but the first one was better. I'm going to schedule the theory one soon, before christmas is the plan. Maybe i'll be good enough to give the actual a go by then too. I think this is the last big test for me here, everything else hasn't been bad for me really.

at least (as my mom would say) - you won't ever have to pass it again once you pass :)
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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2005, 01:03:33 PM »
Planning on booking the test again, but the stupid wait time around here is still like 8 weeks - I'll be dead of a heart attack from all of the worry and anxiety of it all.

You can keep checking the DVLA webiste for cancellations.  This is what I did and I was in within 3 weeks.  I too failed the first time and had Elmer Fudd the driving tester from hell.  Don't stress and just think positive.   It makes a difference and it makes a difference who you get as well.

Good luck!


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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2005, 01:07:16 PM »
Yeah, that's what I keep saying:

"Once I pass this, I'll NEVER have to do it again!"

But I said that when I was 16 and passed my test back in the states too - and how wrong was I.  ;)

This is by far the thing most on my mind since I've been here cause having my car back home was such a big part of my life.  I feel like my independance has been taken away - I mean, I can always take the bus, but it's not the same, you know?  The guy I had today for my exam was quite old.  He was pretty nice (he offered me a polo mint 1/2 way though the test, I guess he's known as the Polo man :D ) but as I said I guess there is no grey area with him either.   I'm hoping for someone else next time, I'll cack if I show up and it's him again.   :P

Do you get out and practice often?  I know this is the thing that I don't do enough of, it's hard cause of my husbands work schedule and me being in school full time and all.   :-\\\\  I think my biggest downfall is not knowing the roads that well yet.  
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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2005, 01:11:10 PM »
You can keep checking the DVLA webiste for cancellations.  This is what I did and I was in within 3 weeks.  I too failed the first time and had Elmer Fudd the driving tester from hell.  Don't stress and just think positive.   It makes a difference and it makes a difference who you get as well.

Good luck!

Thanks for that!   I was going to call a bit later here and see if I could get any cancellations, cause yeah, 7-8 weeks seems so long away.   It's reassuring (in a strange way) that you all have stories to tell about failing, things you've learned, etc.  I'm not feeling so sorry for myself as I guess it's just a rite of passage that all of us have to go though   ;D

Thanks again :)
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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2005, 01:30:31 PM »
Well I had been driving on my own and with my husband for over a year.  I still did not know all of the roads though and the second examiner was okay with this.  He even asked if I knew the roundabout we were coming towards and when I said no, he made sure to give me very specific directions. 

As a spouse I should have taken the test within one year, but as a student I could have choosen to drive on my US license for longer.  I was in a gray area.... I still feel much better being 100% legal though.  :)

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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2005, 01:35:02 PM »
Well I had been driving on my own and with my husband for over a year.  I still did not know all of the roads though and the second examiner was okay with this.  He even asked if I knew the roundabout we were coming towards and when I said no, he made sure to give me very specific directions. 

As a spouse I should have taken the test within one year, but as a student I could have choosen to drive on my US license for longer.  I was in a gray area.... I still feel much better being 100% legal though.  :)

So as a student you can drive longer on your US license?  Or do you need a student visa for that?  I just ask cause I'm on a spousal visa (FLR) but currently am a full time student

Sorry if I misunderstand what you are talking about
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Re: Failed my 1st driving test
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2005, 01:42:57 PM »
You can keep checking the DVLA webiste for cancellations.  This is what I did and I was in within 3 weeks.  I too failed the first time and had Elmer Fudd the driving tester from hell.  Don't stress and just think positive.   It makes a difference and it makes a difference who you get as well.

Good luck!
After taking my theory test I was told there would be a 16 week wait for the practical so I also called daily and got an appt for about 5 weeks.
I passed my first time but probably because I was 8 months pregnant and complaining of aches and pains the entire time! They didnt make me do an emergency stop either because of my condition. I believe my "Elmer Fudd" just wanted to get rid of me!
Best of luck and dont give up!

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