Ok, last question then. What's your stance on immigration? If things were as you wanted them, i.e., no automatic right of citizenship upon birth to a citizen parent while abroad (how many nations grant this, btw? I'm fairly sure Ireland does, and the UK, if the parent is the mother or married?), then how many people would be affected that don't share your politics? I mean, are you advocating for a change in the law, and what would you put in place to cover, say, pregnant travellers, people who are temporarily working abroad or whose spouses are? Would their children have to go through extra hoops upon return to the states? Or would it work that once you leave, the US should have en exit clearance type thing, you know, you leave at different levels the same way foreigners come in on different visas depending on the reason for entry? But what about people who aren't sure why they are leaving or for how long? Would they be forced to declare themselves a permanent expat? Or would that be dependent on your legal status in the new country - once you have legal status you would also have to file with the home country so that any children would be given citizenship determined by the exit status? I am thinking that in your case, which I may be reading wrong, you consider yourself permanently settled here and don't want US citizenship imposed on your child from birth, so in this scenario you would have already declared your intent and your child would not be automatically a US citizen unless he sought it.
Didn't it used to be that at 18, if one had dual citizenship due to being born abroad, you had to declare which one you choose, and that wouldn't be looked at as 'renouncing' ?
What happens when the current administration changes and things swing back in the other direction, will your stance change then, or are things too far gone do you reckon?
If this is getting too personal, let me know. I am just curious about the logistics and how things would work. Because the way you have put things, if it were put into practice, would have ramifications across the board. Not least that your son would most likely have to go through the process of immigration and seeking legal status should he want to be an American citizen - either with some benefit because of his American born mother or none at all?