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Topic: Harry Bloody Potter  (Read 3731 times)

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Re: Harry Bloody Potter
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2005, 04:31:16 AM »
Someone accused me today of being the only human being who can't stand Harry Bloody Potter. Please tell me this isn't true.

I was too scared to tell them I can't stand Lord of The Rings, Narnia, or Star Wars.

I cannot stand Harry Potter either. I've never read the book, and my ex-English-boyfriend forced me to watch the one of the movies when it came out a year or so ago. (I made him watch two chick flicks with me before I would forgive him for it  >:D )

I'm not a Star Wars fan either. My ex-American-boyfriend made me sit through one of them. (I dont remember which) and I still haven't quite forgiven him for it.

I love Narnia (my dad and I use to read them together when I was little) and Lord of the Rings is ok (but the books are much better than the movies! I finished all of the books in a week over Christmas break two years ago)  [smiley=book.gif]
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Re: Harry Bloody Potter
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2005, 01:03:32 AM »
- Harry Potter - dislike - books are boring, movies are soooooo nauseatingly earnest and exploitative of Everything English, plus most of the actors suck
- Star Wars - like the old ones, not the new ones (overmarketed, overdone, bad acting)
- Star Trek - luuuv New Generation and DS9, the Original series are outdated, Voyager and the newest one are dull
- LOTR - loved the movies, the books get really repetitive towards the middle
- reality shows make me realize that no matter how low humanity can go, we still manage to keep on digging... >:(

"He fell for her like his heart was a mob informant and she was the East River."

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