This has been a very interesting thread, with a lot of wisdom shared.
My Fantasy Man has a Scottish accent, but I'm well aware that Reality Man may not. I've thought off and on for years about living in the UK and would never marry a man simply to facilitate that. After all, love him or not, I'd still have to live with him. I'm American, but have always done better with foreign men. Should I ever remarry, it will be to someone with whom I'd live almost anywhere.
As for knowingly entering into a relationship with someone who has a history of substance abuse--never again. My ex was 2 years sober when I met him, and relapsed shortly after we were married. I had no clue until he walked out on me and our child, who was under 2. After that, I found out he had a secret life, including a woman with whom he did drugs. I was emotionally, and nearly financially, bankrupt. He has always blamed everything but himself for what happened in his life. He's has nothing to do with our daughter for almost a decade. He's never done anything for her either. I had to deal with the creditors and 7 years of bad credit. Before I met him, my credit rating was wonderful.
Because I've been there, done it, have the divorce decree and T-shirt, I feel I can say a thing or two. 1. Please get a support system for yourself established as soon as you can after arriving in Scotland. Check out something like Al-Anon or another group where people are sharing your struggle and have been where you've been with the boyfriend. 2. Learn everything you can about your legal rights should the relationship go sour. Because you're seeking to enter the UK with a visa contingent upon sustaining a relationship, you need to know everything you can learn about your rights and recourse should things not work out as you planned. 3. Always make sure you've got your own means to either get back to the States or pay for your own residence should it become necessary.
I really do wish you much happiness and hope Neil is one of the ones who can truly lead a long, healthy, sober life.