Just thought I'd add in some bits for this thread..
Yes it is entirely possible you can get flashed by a GATSO unit and not have anything come of it. In the early days I think the figure was that 85% of GATSO locations didn't have a camera or a flash unit! nowadays i think there are more though. saying that, they still move cameras around from location to location, many units now have a flash unit. Another element was the 1 flash or 2 flashes. 2 flashes usually meant that you'd had the picture taken, one at the start of the offence and one at the end and the road markings could indicate the speed of the vehicle.
I'll completely disagree with one poster who said cameras are there for a reason around accident blackspots. Whilst in part that's true, it's a well known fact that GATSO camera's are mainly there for the cash generating reasons. There's plenty of cameras around that are on fast moving dual carriageways and large A roads on staight sections of road that are quite far away from schools, busy intersections and so forth - they're there simply to catch 'speeding' cars and get the money out of them. So the yoyo effect comes into play, slowing down when seeing the road markings/yellow back of the GATSO unit, then speeding back up after passing.
I too, use TomTom for navigating mainly, and am about to upgrade/add on the Camera overlay to help with fixed GATSO locations. I think I'll be adding in a Radar Detector but seeing as there's been some changes in the law as to using them I'm going to research if it's still legal to use them in the UK - pending that, I'll purchase.
There's a whole debate on the 'speeding' thing - Yes of course lives need to be saved and accidents reduced, I think as you get older and more maturity becomes a part of you, 'speeding' isn't such a thrill anymore. However on the flip side, yes, me and my brother own several high performance vehicles, and throughout all my friends there's some seriously exotic and rapid machinery and I/we do speed. The difference lies in 'where' you speed - I ONLY do it when I know it's safe as can be, I have excellent visibility and quite simply, if I'm in the mood to stomp the loud pedal!!
The people who say 'goto a race track' and don't speed on the roads are right and also wrong (if you get my meaning!) does doing 90mph on the motorway, in free flowing traffic, nice and safe mean I 'should go to the race track'? or as i suspect, does doing 35-40mph in a school 20mph zone mean I should go to the race track?!
Going back to OP - over the years i've been flashed lots of times and never had anything come through, I did get done on the M25 variable limit around the busy Heathrow area when they changed the limit in between the large signs showing the limit, I was doing 72 mph in a then supposed '60' but I'm sure they 'changed' the limit whilst i was in between overhead signs. So, I NEVER speed though that section of the M25 no matter what! - Also a recent thing is the traffic school thing which i think is a brilliant idea (again took us years to catch up with this seeing as it's been in the US for quite a while!) although I've never needed to go! my mum of all people has to as she got caught at 36 in a 30 zone not so long back ! (so now I jokingly thow it in her face that shes a speeder !)
The cameras can be set 'harshly' or 'liberally' depending on a. how bad of a traffic blackspot it is and b. how much the local council/police wants to rip off out of drivers at that particular time. the 10% over the limit 'allowance' is a 'general' rule of thumb but cameras have been known to trigger on the limit itself. others will allow like 35 in a 30 and 45 in a 40 without being triggered, so it's bit of a lottery really
There's probably more up to date info on the various motoring websites etc - so in yer spare time you might wanna look stuff up !
Overall, I'm glad to say we in the UK drive much faster than you slow coach americans !! on my next visit stateside im going to see if I can break my record of 3 tickets, 1 license confiscation, 2 letoffs in the space of 8 days hehe
Cheers! Dennis! West London & Slough UK!!