If I'm not mistaken then I think you need insurance just have the car parked in front of your home otherwise it can be towed away. You can leave it parked up without a current MOT but not without insurance.
think that technically you are supposed to have a valid MoT certificate just to have it parked on a public street. You certainly are required to display a current tax disc, as I'm sure you're aware. (If parked on private property, it's a different matter entirely, of course.) Although the police and wardens will look for expired or missing tac discs on parked cars, the chances of having no MoT queried are probably tiny though.
The insurance question raises an interesting gray area. Under British law, it is not the vehicle
per se which is required to be insured, but the
driver for his
use of that vehicle. At the moment, there is no requirement to have the vehicle named explicitly on any policy, as it can be driven quite legally by almost all policyholders under the "other vehicles" clause. So when the car is parked and there is no driver, does the question of insurance even arise?
I said "at the moment" because the government has proposed a change in the law to create an offense of being the registered keeper of a vehicle with no insurance (exceptions for vehicles declared off road, etc.). It's been stated that there is no intent to change the basic principle of the
driver being insured, not the vehicle, but to do one without the other seems impossible. It's the usual half-baked proposals we've come to expect from this lot, I suppose.
We had a long discussion about the proposed changes over on the Pepipoo forum a while back:
The RK responsible for Insurance ABI wants Law Change