is it me...or has anyone noticed there is an unbelievable amount of commercials in the UK for insurance? i was beginning to notice this a little bit..but then the topper came....
while watching TV one day, i saw a commercial for insurance for case you get cancer!! i couldn't believe it!! are cancers that mainly effect woman more common in this country that in other countries? i know insurance is supposed to be a CYA type of thing...but if you're going to offer that kind of insurance, why not offer insurance in case someone dies of old age, in case someone might die of heart disease, in case someone breaks a freakin' finger nail and their whole hand falls off... it's kinda ridiculous. insurance in case you get cancer??? i just don't get it. i suppose i could understand purchasing this type of insurance if it runs in the family....but are there actually everyday type of people that call them up and say "um...yes....i would like to insure my breasts and uterus please. and how much would that be each month? and what is the charge if i have had a hysterecomy? do i pay half price?"
someone wanna help me out on this one? or has anyone else seen this commercial...??