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Topic: another question about getting married  (Read 1877 times)

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another question about getting married
« on: January 28, 2006, 06:21:43 PM »
My fiance and i are planning on getting married. i was over in england for 6 months with him and we want to get married. he has a full time job and has a bit of money saved in the bank. he is disabled but has just come off of benefits. will this affect anything and he has a place to live and we just wanna know if we can be together, can anyone help

Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2006, 08:19:15 PM »
Hi where abouts do you both live?

My fiance and I are in a similar situation but he is from the states Boston and I am from England well the midlands, my fiance is disabled also he came over here for 6 months and we go back to get married in April and apply to come back and live here.

As long as he can show he is working wage slips a letter maybe off his employer, 3 months bank statements and show you have somewhere to live IE mortgage papers or rent book and permission off your landlord if private rent, letters from you both and pics that type of thing,  you will be OK the fact he is disabled can not be taken into account at all.

There are heaps more lists on here.

Here is mine hope it helps Front cover) Application Form for Covering letter off ….File 1) your  passport/ File 1)  2x pass port size photos of
File 2) 3 Months bank statements from you
File 3) Proof of wedding gift from …………….parents/savings
File 4) Letter of support from my parents  if this applies to you needing a co-sponsor
File 5) 3 Months bank statements from them
File 7) Phone bills for (Mobile and landline)
File 8) Quote for private health cover.
File 9) Marriage certificate
File 10) Receipt for Justice of the peace.
File 11) Degree/educational certificates/courses

From your partner ………..
Front cover) Sponsorship form and Supporting  letter from ………………
File 1) your partners passport/ Full-length birth certificates for ……….. and proof of UK Citizen ship/2x passport size photos of ………..
File 2) 3 Months personal bank statements from  my accounts (your partners
File 2A) 2 months business statements and tax credit awards paper work from (if self employed )
File 3) some old payslips and p45 Not always needed depends on your situation
File 4) Letter and bank statements for maintenance if this applies
File 5) Child benefit letter and proof of payments if this applies to you
File 6) Financial break down of incomings for your partner 
File 6A) Financial break down of outgoings for your partner
File 7) Telephone bill (mobile phone) to show texts and calls to from your partner
File 7A) Bill for the Nomi calls phone cards. Or what ever you use as proof
File 8) Divorce papers if this applies for either of you
File 9) Mortgage papers from Mortgage Company, or rent
File 10) Proof of address, Electric bill, gas Bill, council tax bill,

Visa/credit card for both of you  as proof of where we went or spent money.
Letters from your partner.and you to each other, letters off friends and family and the , pictures, cards to each other, Flight e-ticket for me, flight tickets for and with the, some boarding passes. Vehicle  documents as proof of owner ship from dvla as proof of income

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Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2006, 08:39:04 PM »
cheers for all of that, i'm not sure about those lists though what do they all mean?
i live in the states he is in england, i just wanna know what immigration will say yes to. ta.

Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2006, 08:44:27 PM »
Sorry your partner will need to fill out a sponsor ship form also and give you a letter stating he knows you are applying for the visa and he supports you in your application,  

the sponsorship form is this one though you will need to find out which site it is on I copied it but I can not remember which site it is off

1. Sponsor’s Name: ________________________________________________
2. Sponsor’s Address: ________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _______________________
3. Sponsor’s Occupation: _________________________________________________ ________
4. Name & Address of Employer: _________________________________________________ _______
5. Sponsor’s earnings: £________ per week / month £ ___________ per annum
(To be supported, where applicable by a certificate of employment indicating emolument earned
or wage slips covering the last three months).

6. Other evidence of financial standing:
(a) I hold £_________ in _____________________ Bank/Building Society.
(b) I own / rent property at: _________________________________________________ _
(To be supported by bank statement, Title Deed to Property, Rent Book or other evidence of ownership
of immovable property in the United Kingdom.)

7. Sponsor’s Passport or Certificate of Registration as a Citizen of the UK & Colonies:
Passport No./Registration Certificate No.: __________________________________________
Given at: _________________________on ____________________________________
8. The person to be sponsored is: Name: ___________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________ ___________________________

Relationship: _________________________________________________ ________

Purpose of visit to the UK: ____________________ Duration of stay ______________

Adequate maintenance and accommodation will be provided for the
above-mentioned person without recourse to Public Funds.

I, ____________________________________ hereby solemnly and sincerely make

this declaration believing the same to be true _________________________________

(Sponsor’s signature)
Date: _________________

I am submitting this letter of invitation in support of YOUR Name My wife/ husband along with his VAF2 application.
As set forth in the accompanying documents, I am a British citizen currently residing ADDRESS of your partner,. I initially met Your partners name  on the internet we have known each other for 2 years and 3 months, we started a relationship in date and first met in where you met  for the first time, and I was married to him on                    2006 in the USA. I will support him without recourse to public funds. I desire he be granted a spousal visa so we can return to the United Kingdom and live as a marrIEd couple in the UK.
 and a supporting letter telling them when you met for the first time list every date either of you travelled to each other and what you did IE going out what ever it is put it in.
If you have any tickets for any of it ie cinema put them in or if you used your vis/credit card and it is on there highlight everything and the dates.

Hope this helps if you are just starting I am still learning and getting info together good look.

Oh if he claims tax credits thats ok also as long as he does not claim for you and you will not claim.

Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2006, 08:49:10 PM »
The list is a what I have used as a check list to make sure we have everything it is also in the front of my folder so the immigration person can see and go to the exact document required.

These are all the documents and paper work you may need not everything will apply,
depends on your circumstances IE if you have children.

Have a really good look at the site there's loads of info on here and Garry and Victoria are really good also.

They may also explain things better than I have.

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Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2006, 09:00:51 PM »
I never used an official sponsorship form. I just had letters from my co-sponsors saying they were aware I was moving to the UK and getting married, and that they were willing to help me support me, and I supplied their bank statements.

My fiance (sponsor) just wrote a letter saying he was aware I was applying for a visa and supported it, and that we were planning to get married and live together.  I had a copy of my fiance's tenancy agreement, and a letter from the building manager saying it was OK to live there. And my fiance's payslips.

But I didn't fill out any forms, except the VAF2 (fiance visa) application. Everything else was just letters.

Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2006, 09:05:03 PM »
Basically if he is working and has 3 months bank statements, proof of where he is living and a tenany agreement and permission for you to live there/mortgage papers for owner ship if he has purchased the property, proof of you being a couple, pictures letters to each other and phone calls emails texts, may be letters off friends confirming you are a couple anything addressed to you with his address on plane tickets, visa/credit card as proof you or he where in the USA or England, you should be OK,

Everyone I have read about seems to have been OK and got there visa the list I sent is just about everything the immigration people may want to see when you either go in or send your application.

The one thing I have read is everyone says well most anyway take to much than not enough.

Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2006, 09:07:50 PM »
We did not know about the sponsor ship form we where told about it and managed to find it on one of the sites I figure that if it is not needed then great but I do not want to get there with my fiance and find we do.

The English partner fills that one in.

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Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2006, 09:13:34 PM »
what about council houses, and what if he is self employed, also i have his entire family acting as co-sponsers. is this alright, i mean will immigration say yes to ours?

Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2006, 09:17:33 PM »
Self employed is great just again need 3 months bank statements

co-sponsors is great just get them to write letters of support and 3 months bank statements

you should be ok with the above.

Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2006, 09:18:21 PM »
Council housing is good to

sorry forgot that bit

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Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2006, 09:19:41 PM »
cheers again, any other help always welcome. ta

Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2006, 09:50:57 PM »
the sponsorship form is this one though you will need to find out which site it is on I copied it but I can not remember which site it is off


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Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2006, 06:55:22 PM »
Ok, i gots another question, i'm only gonna be home here for a short period of time and i need to know if immigration want to know how much money i'm bringing back with me. also they can't turn you down if your partner is permantly disabled can they. oh and we have everything but i don't have to wait like a year to come back do i? ta

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Re: another question about getting married
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2006, 07:37:34 PM »
They may well ask you when you arrive how you intend to support yourself - this is true of any visit really - so be prepared to show a bank statement or some other evidence of funds or financial support.  They won't decline a fiance or spouse visa because the UK party is disabled but they do want to know that you (that means you, not your fiance) will not be needing to claim any benefits (the fiance visa & the FLR both stipulate "no recourse to public funds).  Even if he is claiming benefits you should be ok as long as you are supporting yourself by working or using your savings or whatever.

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