Hello all,
Well the time is near. I am a US citizen engaged to a UK citizen. He has just returned from a visit to the states to see me. He is doing his damnedest to get things sorted in the UK in order to facilitate our marriage in the UK. I would just like to bluntly ask a few questions.
a few facts about our situation:
He has savings. a somewhat substantial amount from his family as a wedding present to Us. He is trying very hard to obtain a job at the moment and in the meantime he is working temp jobs.
I am a mother of two. My boys will be visiting their father for a bit of time.
1) Will my fiance need a permanent job in order for our fiance visa to be approved. basically i would say impatience is getting the better of us but we would like to know if his savings will be enough to ensure the approval of the visa (assuming everything else is in order that is)
2) If my children are with their father for the time being will it be a problem getting their visa's to settle with me in the UK at a later date. As in if I apply for my visa now and (god willing) am approved and move to the UK, will it be a problem for me to get my children into the UK after I am already there. Would it be easier to apply for them now and postpone their visit with their father until all is sorted with my visa. I hope I don't sound like a selfish mother here, I would really like to avoid as much disruption as I possibly can when it comes to my boys. (This process has already taken a bit of a tole on my little guys) Will the process be the same if I apply later for them, will I have to return to the US in order to file for their visa if I am already in the UK on a fiance visa. I have read a few things that suggest that if it is not completely necessary for the children to be with you then they may decline their visa. Something to the effect of if no one else is available to see after the children in the event of your absence etc. (I truly hope this is a misunderstanding on my part, it would be more than a shame if anyone tried to make you choose between your children and your husband to be.
hmm. I think that covers it for now. I truly appreciate anyones time and advice.
Anyone going through a similar situation try to keep your chin up. LDR's are difficult but try to remember you are in love. Love wins out in the end ALWAYS.
Thanks again,