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Topic: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?  (Read 1102 times)

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RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« on: February 06, 2006, 02:34:39 PM »
Has anyone retired here, willingly?  ;)

I am asking as my parent's are considering retiring here, and I was wondering if anyone 'knows' anyone who has, and have they had a good experience with the whole visa process?

You can p.m. or email me-dawnward72@yahoo.co.uk

Many thanks!

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Retired Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK from the US?
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2006, 02:35:36 PM »
Has anyone retired here, willingly?  ;)

I am asking as my parent's are considering retiring here, and I was wondering if anyone 'knows' anyone who has, and have they had a good experience with the whole visa process?

You can p.m. or email me-dawnward72@yahoo.co.uk

Many thanks!

Re: Retired Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK from the US?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2006, 03:45:17 PM »
Here are the conditions under which a person may apply to retire here.  http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/servlet/Front?pagename=OpenMarket/Xcelerate/ShowPage&c=Page&cid=1036679107538

Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2006, 03:50:20 PM »
Has anyone retired here, willingly?  ;)

I am asking as my parent's are considering retiring here, and I was wondering if anyone 'knows' anyone who has, and have they had a good experience with the whole visa process?

You can p.m. or email me-dawnward72@yahoo.co.uk

Many thanks!

Are they retiring as dependents?  Or as Independent means retirees?

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Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2006, 03:56:48 PM »
Garry: Independent means. The visa is called "retired person's of independent means". They meet all of the qualifications, except age. They're 55. They meet the income requirement, having a strong link (me) etc but we are worried as they're not 60. Even though they are retired. Just wondering if anyone has come in on this visa and/or had any success or problems.  ;)

Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2006, 03:59:01 PM »
My parents have this.  An attorney worked w/them.  They need to be 60, it's a basic criterion of the visa. 

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Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2006, 04:09:30 PM »
My parents have this.  An attorney worked w/them.  They need to be 60, it's a basic criterion of the visa. 

Thanks for your reply. I found a link from the Home Office that mentions the age requirement and it states that in exceptional circumstances, it can be waived (if that's the right word?). It's not worded exactly like that but it sounds like it's up to the issuing officer. Our exceptional circumstances are my health. I live with a chronic-progressive illness, in which, having my parents here, would be a great help to me and my children(their grandchildren). Hence, why they want to move now as opposed to waiting til they're 60.

Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2006, 04:15:49 PM »
Garry: Independent means. The visa is called "retired person's of independent means". They meet all of the qualifications, except age. They're 55. They meet the income requirement, having a strong link (me) etc but we are worried as they're not 60. Even though they are retired. Just wondering if anyone has come in on this visa and/or had any success or problems.  ;)

What ep said.  Also the age criterion ties in to a whole system that has EU linkage.  If your parents are 55, it's outside the rules so you're correct to be worried.  There's a different visa for under 60's.

I have helped some people who were going for family reunion, but never exceptionally.  It is not clear that seeking a concession in this category would be productive anyway.

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Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2006, 04:19:33 PM »
Garry: What are our options then? They aren't dependent on me, so they don't qualify for the 'grandparent' settlement visa either..... :-[

I don't know what would be best. I don't want them to lose their money applying for the RPOIM visa if they're not going to get it due to age.

This is the paragraph I was referring to earlier:
19.9 - Discretion in exceptional cases
In very exceptional cases you may judge that while the applicant does not fully qualify, the application meets the spirit of the Rules (e.g. where an applicant has not reached the age of 60 but clearly intends to retire, or has already done so). You should refer such cases for a decision to the Integrated Casework Directorate (ICD), Home Office.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2006, 04:23:08 PM by dawnrnuk72 »

Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2006, 04:47:24 PM »
I know what the DSP's say.   ::)  But remember RPIM is not a family thing, but rather an economic thing.  At issue is that we are already 1 year in to a 5 year programme part of which is aimed at sharply curtailing opportunities for chain migration. 

So while there's a way to seek concession, it's prudent to think about it in the context of what's actually going down. 

It doesn't mean your parents' application won't be successful, it's just an opinion that if it suggests chain migration posing as RPIM, chances are they will spot it too...

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Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2006, 04:58:22 PM »
I see, I guess because of the family ties issue, that is afterall, why they want to move here, because of me. What exactly is chain migration? We are definitly not trying to exploit the system, our application is by all means genuine.

Thanks for your replies :) . To me retired people can help contribute to the economy, spending money here that's been earned abroad (ie. pensions) and buying a house. I guess the flipside is the NHS too, you can look at it both ways.

Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2006, 05:22:20 PM »
I guess the flipside is the NHS too, you can look at it both ways.


Have they explored coming here as investors?  That's something for under 60s.

Exceptional cases is always a legal clause put into rules governing most things to give leeway.  It's standard ambiguous legalese.

As garry mentioned, that doesn't mean your application won't be successful, but again I think he gives wise advise in that it needs to considered in context.  In other words, the exception you're asking them to make isn't an economic one, but that they're trying to come here to assist you w/care.  That's not what the visa was designed for, unfortunately, as chances are they will notice this.

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Re: RETIRED Persons? Anyone retired here to the UK?
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2006, 09:20:08 PM »
I can see your point expat, we're trying to figure out what's best, as like I said, I don't want them to lose the visa fee being refused. I'd feel so bad. It might be better not to mention my illness and just focus on the retirement aspect when they write the supporting letter.

How long have your parent's lived in Scotland then? And did they adjust easily? My parent's have been over many times and have enjoyed it, although, as I've explained to them, it's a major change from the US. They think they would be happy here, which is most important :)

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