prior to leaving the US, i had all of my credit card bills, bank statements, etc. changed to my friends address so she could manage all of my financial matters for me until i got settled here in the UK. i sent out my FLR last monday (30/1/06) with my credit card information with my US address since i know that usually when charges are made on a credit card, they do a check (generally the zip/postal code) to make sure that the credit card information is correct or matches. anyway....they sent my confirmation letter (the one stating they recieved my stuff and are processing it) to the US address when i specifically wrote my UK address in the "contact address" section, and my US address in "payee details" section (in section one of the twenty page form).
in section two (the applicants details) there is a specific question asking for "UK address" and "address you would like documents and any letters sent to regarding your application". in both instances, i put my UK address. but since they sent the confirmation letter to the US address, i'm concerned that they are going to send all of my documents to that address as well. has anyone else experienced this? should i attempt to contact them, or is this possibly an oversight on their part?