Oh my this is fun!! Glen is out with his boss while I's slaving over the kitche for the stuff I'm trying to make called stuffing!! It's just me and my wine.
Ok now should I cuisnart all the onions, celery and stuff, fry the sausage, chop my peacans, throw in the chicken consume and prepare it now or do it tomorrow?
Also couldn't fine chicken broth/consume ANYWHERE!! Don't these people know we need our chicken broth for our stuffing
![Beadyeyes [smiley=beadyeyes.gif]](https://www.talk.uk-yankee.com/Smileys/classic/beadyeyes.gif)
. So instead I have three options and this is all for the "experience mom's here"
1. Found soup that says Chicken Broth (by Baxters) ingredients are water, carrots, rice, potatoes, onions, swede (whatever that is), peas, chicken, leeks, sleery, chicken stock (there you go it's only the 11 ingredient in this can), salt, chicken flavoring, black pepper, parsley...blah, blah... I thought if I buy four cans of this stuff just use the broth that should be sufficient?? No? Yes?
2. These Knorr chicken stock cubes. But how much do I put in? Doesn't say. Just says place a cube in a jug and add 450 ml of boiling water. (I have 16 cups of dried, toast and croutons already cut up and diced)
3. of Knorr Chicken concentrated Bouillon the same goes with this how much of this stuff do I actually put in the mix?
Oh I'm sooo confused.
And the last question is: there is not enough room in my fridge to store it overnight. You think if I cover it really good and leave it outside on the patio it will be ok? It's cold enough now right?