It really does seem like you are all missing the key pieces of information from this particular case....
The father of this child has never shown an interest, has been absent for 8.5 of the 9 years of this child's life, never paid a penny in child maintenance, never lived with my girlfriend as a father, never been married to my girlfriend or been granted ANYTHING in any shape or form as far as any court or legal document is concerned.
That is what was discussed today, that is the information on which the opinion was made. The Immigration Officer I spoke to in London this morning perfectly concurred what the lawyer told my girlfriend in Florida yesterday.
I have also studied Law, that is a primitive principle of any contract or clause, to get it in writing, I'm aware of that. I was also an Officer in the Royal Air Force, so not green behind the ears either in terms of how to go about things and ask the right people the right questions. I'm not to keen on the use of 'no' being stressed in such a way, it sounds patronising. Today was really a cut and clean case, all I can say is that you would have had to be there to witness it.