It is indeed a stuffed sheep's stomach... stuffed with oatmeal, onions, spices... and liver, kidneys, heart and lungs of the sheep.
you can also get it with a man-made casing,.
I had it at Christmas. It was fine. It sounds worst than it is but really it is all ground up/minced with plenty of grains (recipes vary) and spices so it doesn't taste as vile as it would chopping into a liver for example. ate blood sausage the other day and THAT was revolting!!! Whoever made it was heavy on the blood, yuck!
blood sausage = blood pudding = black pudding = black sausage = boudin noir Notes: These eggplant-colored sausages are made of pig's blood mixed with fat, a filler like bread crumbs, and other flavorings that vary from region to region. They're usually sold precooked, but most people heat them before serving. Regional varieties include Germany's blutwurst, Louisiana's boudin rouge, and Spanish morcilla. Substitutes: zungenwurst OR boudin blanc