Thank you for all of your comments. I'm excited and nervous about coming. I wish I felt as confident about my organization skills as you do though!! It is taking organization to do it all, but I don't have much choice as I am coming to wed my sweetheart. When it comes down to get organized or remain apart, getting organized seems to happen.
I don't have a job set up, and I definitely don't have one in London. I will be moving to Cardiff, Wales, so I'm working on my CCW right now. I'm anxious about how I should start. I've heard some negative comments here about a few of the recruitment agencies, but I couldn't find specifics. If anyone has recommendations of good recruitment agencies to go to, I'd appreciate them. I also have a friend keeping an eye out directly with the local council, but I'm not sure how long she will be working there. I think she'll leave before I come.
The company that I work for now has an agency in England that does therapy in the UK. They are discussing hiring me part-time to work in Wales, but I still desperately need full-time work. I think I'm going to try to get accredited with the BACP also since many aren't going to recognize a social worker as a therapist despite my years of clinical experience.
On a side note, I thought I'd rub it in a bit that I took note of what some of you were saying and went to get another background check done before I left. Amazingly, I was able to convince my current boss to pay for it saying that they might need it to get my license going in the UK, and where I might be working for the same organization . . . He was great about it and agreed to cover the $45 it costs here in Idaho. The nice news? I just printed my clearance letter. It took me a whopping 8 days to get it back!! I love the new system our state has. My first clearance when I started this job took about three months! So, now I have my FBI check in hand, and that's at least one less thing to worry about!
Okay, so that's my one less thing to worry about, but can anyone give me better ideas about good places to start for recruitment. Many of the ones on this board were initially given good reviews, but then as social workers got here, they came back saying that the felt deceived and had bad experiences. I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Any counsel on where to go is so appreciated--and with agencies that have experience in all the UK, not just London. Please help!