Then I looked at the second part....Yikes! Very overwhelming amount of evidence needed here. I understand why they do it, but it kind of sucks given I have been in the field for 10 years and just went through a very intense 3 years for my LMSW. Anyway, I am looking at it to see how I can best give them all the evidence they want in the smallest amount of paperwork so that they won't spend years on processing my application.
Get copies of official course descriptions and any official training you have done in social work placements and social work jobs - these are the hard evidence type things they want. The same documents may be able to prove more than one competency. Number them and see how they match.
Hope the following helps to give you an idea!
For example:
Core Competence 1: Communicate and Engage
Practice Requirement(s)
1.i Ability to form and develop working relationships with children, adults, families, carers and groups.
In my social work education, XXX course provided me with a background as to why forming relationships with clients is important within the context of the social work profession, as it introduced me to the ethics and values of social work. XXX course gave me an insight into client circumstances which would factor into how relationships would develop in my professional capacity (for example, issues of poverty which may affect development of relationships and factors related to working practice). My XXXI course provided an insight into factors related to working with XX population, which would relate to developing relationships and being reflective in my practice, whereas XXXII course focussed on issues related to XXX groups, so that I was able to develop reflective practice in working with disadvantaged populations, which would assist in developing working relationships.
More recently, I have completed Makaton (a form of sign language) training which helped me improve my ability and skills to form and develop working relationships with XX population and my XX training has reinforced the importance of reflective practice when working with diverse groups to aid in forming and developing working relationships with in my profession, within a context of equality and respect.
In my work experience, I have worked with XX population during my first placement. I had to form and develop working relationships with them in order to be able to assess their needs, make referrals and develop a resource manual directed at services for XX population for access by both colleagues and the XX population, based on needs they identified, which required me to develop relationships with XX population to highlight their needs for service.
In my first job with the XX service, where I was responsible for delivering XX service within an inclusive policy framework. The main purpose of the post was to assist with the maintenance of XXI population, which required me to work jointly with families, other community professionals.
My ability to form and develop working relationships with children continued whilst I worked for XXI service as a XX. In order to assess the needs of XX population, I had to be able to be able to form relationships with them and their families, to identify needs and to arrange suitable provision and support packages, working together to identify needs, put services in place and review circumstances. This involved forming relationships with families and other professionals to be able to address familial circumstances.
As these examples show, I am able to communicate effectively and appropriately with a range of different client groups.
How this shows my professional values
As my courses XXX, XXXI and XXXII demonstrate, they have provided me with the educational opportunity to challenge dominant thinking about disadvantaged groups, to identify and question my values and prejudices, and their implications for my practice as well as to gain a respect for the uniqueness and diversity of people and the ability to recognise and build on strengths.
This foundation has assisted me in building on and developing anti-discriminatory practice, which does not stigmatise or disadvantage individuals, groups of communities. My XX training reinforced and built upon the practice of questioning language and reflecting on practice, values and prejudice.
Documentary evidence
Document 5: XXX course
Document 5: XXXI course
Document 9: XXXII course
Document 18: Makaton Certificate
Document 21: Reference Letter I
Document 24: Reference Letter II
Document 23: Reference Letter III
Document 20: XX training certificate and form
Document 22: Personal Development Plan, XX service