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Topic: Travelling to the USA from the UK  (Read 903 times)

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Travelling to the USA from the UK
« on: February 17, 2006, 01:57:04 PM »
I have been to the USA approx. 16 times for 16 weeks in total since October 2004/05 does anyone know if they have restrictions on how many times you can go over? I go on a waiver visa and the longest I stayed was 6 weeks with the children?.

Just wondered as I am going back with Chris to get married in April 06 for 4 weeks.

Sonya and Chris

Re: Travelling to the USA from the UK
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2006, 09:19:16 PM »
the USA allows visitors from the UK 90 days in any one year period. You might want to contact the embassy in London to see if you will have any problems returning for four weeks. You have spent four months in a year here already so it's hard to say.

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Re: Travelling to the USA from the UK
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2006, 09:41:39 PM »
As long as you dont exceed the 90 day limit on the VWP - Visa Waiver program in any one stay you should have no problems.

However at your point of entry (airport) an immigration official can ask whats your purpose of visit. If you answer, to get married they can refuse entry if they think there is any chance you are intending to reside there with the correct visa.

Re: Travelling to the USA from the UK
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2006, 10:10:31 PM »
ohhhh wow I didn't know it was 90 days each time you entered. I thought it was 90 days total, like the UK is 6 months in any rolling 12. Learn something new everyday :)

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Re: Travelling to the USA from the UK
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2006, 10:27:45 PM »
Its very much dependant on the attitude of the Point of entry immigration officer. If an individual officer thinks you may be entering the country for the purpose of illegal stay then they can refuse you entry point blank, that means from your first use of VWP.

Re: Travelling to the USA from the UK
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2006, 01:28:51 PM »
I will be travelling back with Chris and my baby the older 3 boy's will be staying here with there dad due to the fact they have school and I also think my friend may well be travelling with  us and if they do ask I  have loads of ties to the UK the main one being my 3 older children and my house and the job I have (self employed) if they want to look at paper work I will have more than enough to show I will be and do intend to come back to UK when the 4 weeks is over with.

When I have been through the last couple of times I have had all or only 2 of the children and they just took one look at me and the kids and stapled the green card thing into my pass port and did the finger print thing and eye thing and waved me through no questions at all except enjoy your stay and your brave travelling by yourself with all the kids that type of thing.

Hope I get the same type of people this time they where really nice when I have been through before few questions and on your way.

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