OK, I asked him and, typically, he doesn't know. Yeesh. He's dealt with people taking cars elsewhere in Europe, but not to the US. He says that if someone's taking a car to Europe, they can get a "green card" for their car which covers them temporarily while they're there. However, he doesn't know if that would work for the US as well. The green card is something you'd get from your insurance broker, so his advice was for your DH to contact his insurance broker for assistance.
Sorry I couldn't be more help!
Thanks for asking! Did the Europe trip the last few years down to Le Mans for the 24 hour race so we know his insurance broker can deal with the European stuff, they can't do US though.
Guess, I'll be trying some US companies next week. Must be able to do it from somewhere as there have been a few other car clubs that have taken their cars over for the drive down route 66.
I would think as expensive as those cars look you will have a hard time finding anyone to insure them........they are spectacular looking specimans.....
Not as much as you think, believe me, otherwise he wouldn't have one.
Thing is, they look good, sound good, but are a little known British firm, that is constantly going out of business. They tend to hold their value though as in the case of his car, I think there were only ever 35 made. (Me thinks I listen to him talking about it waaaayyy too much.)