I'm really sorry you're unhappy here, KWilkins.
I do hope you'll give it more time and that you'll find someone to talk to who can help you work through your feelings.
I suspect, as others have said, that a change of scene will do you good. When I first moved here, I really didn't like where we lived. The flat itself was wonderful, but I didn't "fit" in the city. It wasn't a nice place to look at and I didn't feel that the people were particularly friendly. I wasn't working and was totally dependent on DH for everything. I can't tell you the number of times I packed my suitcases in those first few months!
After about six months, DH had a job offer from another city and we moved shortly thereafter. BEST MOVE WE EVER MADE. I love Newcastle and can't imagine not living here now! I found a little job after we'd been here about three months and that really helped me find my feet and certainly improved my attitude. We've been here just over two years and I now have a fantastic job that has improved our financial situation to the point we're able to save and spend as we please. We're buying a cute little house and we'll be moving in several weeks.
I'm telling you all of this in an attempt to let you know that I've been where you are now and though I wouldn't have believed it at the time, things could and did get better when we moved. I'm hoping that you and your DH can move once he's finished with his induction. Perhaps you can look at the time in th meantime as a project.....to think about where you'd like to move, to save, to just enjoy your relationship, etc.