Hi kwilkins.
I know exactly where you are coming from. I don't know if you are a native Illinoisan, but I notice you went to U of I. I'm just up the road from there.
I loved England when I was there in the summer, it was so much nicer than Central IL, but I absolutely hated the winter when I moved over- I would have paid for sunshine.
And I was claustrophobic as well. Tiny houses, tiny shops, tiny cars. I really missed being able to see for miles and miles, having roads almost to myself and plenty of parking (my dw and I had a good laugh once as we were searching for a spot in the Sommerfield's car park and remembered driving around parking lots at home, ignoring the 700 empty spaces and trying to find one a little closer).
But as I look toward summer, I'm thinking that it might not be bad to sit out the heat and the mosquito season in England.
Maybe if you make plans to come home in the fall, you might feel better when spring comes and you can get out more. Perhaps you will get a break in the meantime and find a job you like, and it will work out. In the meantime, try to look for cheap things to do as if you were on vacation. You made it through college- put your cheap entertainment experience to work. You may not be working in your field, but you have learned a lot about living and making it through, and often that education can take you farther than the classroom stuff. It's never a waste, it's made you a more resourceful person.
Good luck.