I'm applying for the proposed civil partnership visa tomorrow at the embassy in New York, and though my boyfriend and me are fairly sure we have our documents all together, I'm just wondering if anyone who's been through the interview can tell me if I've got ample evidence.
What I have is as follows:
1. Letters from my boyfriend and I describing our relationship and intentions
2. Letters of suport from his and my parents
3. His parents' mortgage statement (as we'll be staying there for a short time), showing ownership of the property where we'll live for the first couple of weeks
4. 4 or 5 emails dating back to our meeting almost 2 years ago
5. Captioned pictures dating back nearly two years
6. Numerous online flight receipts confirming both the dates he lived with me in New Jersey and my visits
7. His first payslip from his new job (he just got back from a 90-day stay with me in December '05, and was not employed until February of this year)
8. A letter from his employer confirming his employment
9. His last bank statement (showing less than 20 pounds in the bank, sadly)
10. A notarized copy of his passport
11. Proof of my IRA rollover funds being wire transferred to my bank account, accompanied by a bank statement that shows my savings of over $15,000 (which I'm hoping they'll see as proof of my being able to support myself before we're united)
12. And, of course, the $494 fee.
Any comments and/or advice will be greatly appreciated!!!