Is your yogurt maker and ice cream maker the same gadget? I like the idea of fresh dairy made items...
I love love love my bread maker...
I wish it had a jam option on it...
No, the yoghurt maker is the Lakeland one. The ice cream maker is the Magimix Le Gelatia or Le something or other.
Generally, I start to make a litre of ice cream/week right about now. B/c it saves me having to make a pud. I almost always make fruited ones or sorbets so as to get fruit into Aillidh, who is skinny as a whippet.
Aillidh is a yoghurt muncher extraordinnaire. I mean, she was going thru one of those Yeo Valley pots - £1.25/pot - every other day or so. Again, I do fruited ones.
We have a kitchen the size of a postage stamp in this flat. But on the worktops I've room for a microwave, sandwich maker - for toast, b/c breadmachine slices don't fit in a standard one - the breadmachine and a kettle.
The rest of hte stuff I bring in and out.
If we work on opposite ends of hte kitchen it works out, but it's still a tight squeeze. It has a big windowsill, however, that's perfect for growing herbs.