Not all lagers are gold in color. There is a dark lager in Germany called Munchen Dunkel.
German beer ranges from the gold amber we know through to a reddy color.
I remember ah so well, that's where I first started drinking and loved the beer, then I came back to the states and had a helluva time cuz it was P*SS and being young, I could not afford the imports. Then I came back here and discovered (just to confuse you further) heavy (a type of shilling).
We have shilling in Scotland. It is not lager but I don't know if it is a stout or not (it is not like Guiness), I just know it tastes so much better than lager. From what I can gather this is grouping the beer according to strength. We have 70-/ shilling which we call heavy, then there is 80-/ which is export. Someone once told me there is/was 60-/ and 90-/ and that it was called this because something to do with old tax rules.