Cool. Thanks. Was really worried about flying out of Schipol, but by the time we go there will be the body scanners in place for all US-bound flights.
Think the older two will be okay without car seats, Aillidh's already in a booster because according to UK law, she's over the limit for anything, being 51 inches, but we still keep her in a booster because she is quite thin for her height, only 20kg.
Am struggling here. Many, many tears because need to accept that Papa can't come here anymore. Papa is 74 and last he was here in November, he fell so ill. And he's still ill now. He didn't get over it. He never recovered from when he got pneumonia in Houston late last summer. And when he said, 'Mijita, Papa is getting old,' and not being able to laugh it off because, well, he will be 75 soon and he has had heart attacks and a triple bypass and Mama's COPD was so bad here.
So we need to go as much as we can.
We won't have much luggage on the way over.