Me too! My DH (the one who posted the comic above) cued me onto this thread. He's doing a PhD in History at St Andrews. He spends a lot of time (not) writing papers.
I have some sympathies for him, though, as I've gone through it myself: got a PhD in Biology, and now I'm faculty at St Andrews (yes, we are *really* lucky it worked out that way; there were a lot of sleepness nights last year before we came here wondering if we'd find positions anywhere near each other). But it also means I'm a bit more jaded--can't be that hard, I did it, didn't I?

It's interseting for me to see the differences between the sciences and humanities. What field is your DH in?
And by the way, you'll be just a couple hours north of us. I've been up to U Aberdeen. The coast up there is beautiful!