Lost Angel. . . .Good luck. My husband LOVES that stuff, and we can't find it anywhere. Of course, we're in Aberdeen, so that may explain it. 
But, seriously, we'll be in London next month. If you find any, please let me know where. Otherwise, we'll have to bring a suitcase of it back from the States when we go home for Christmas.
Another note: Does anyone know where I can get REAL dill pickles? (Like Claussen.) I have purchased about ten jars of pickles since I moved here, and even if the package says "dill," they always seem to be sweet. Anyone who can help me with this has my undying gratitude. 
I have pretty much given up my search for it (Sriracha) here... like you, we will also being going to the U.S. for Christmas, so I am planning on bringing some back over with me.

I will check our local healthfood shop here though ~ thanks for that tip, Britwife! x
Real dill pickles? Good grief, I know what you mean! I hate sweet pickles & gherkins, & only
once have I bought a jar of "dill pickles" here in England that were unsweetened & almost good... they were a bit mushy though. I wish I could remember where we got them. I think it had some sort of stars and stripes on the label, & I am pretty sure it was from a large chain grocery store like Sainsburys or Morrisons or something. Claussen pickles are the best! I wonder if they would travel well, as they are always kept cold. I'm going to give it a shot in December.

Wish I knew how to can my own. Bet I could make a fortune selling them to Americans in the UK!
