it depends where you live. the north of england, scotland, wales, and the southwest (where plymouth is) are much cheaper than london, the southeast, and central and eastern england.
the salary/house price ratio is much closer to the magic 3.0 up north than down south where, yes, it is closer to 6.0, and in places like london and the south coast, it's more like 8.0.
of course, you could always move to SoCal where in places like LA, orange, and san diego counties the ratio is more like 10+!! (and that may be an understatement) no kidding, average salaries in the $50,000 range and average house prices now at $600,000+ (for a condo!). a decent 4 bedroom family home there costs over a million dollars!
so, at least parts of the US (cal, NY) make england seem a lot cheaper, and it will be if you're moving from these places. the problem though is that we do not have the large disparity in cost of living between regions which means less geographic mobility, which can mean the same as a promotion or large salary increase back in the US.
if i were to return to the UK i would probably live up north or in scotland. as a lawyer i could make maybe 50K in london, or 30K on the southcoast where my family come from. however, up north, although i'd only make 25K, i could buy a 3 bed semi-detached home for 100K on that salary (4.0x) - the same home would cost me 200K down south (6.5x) and over 300K in london (6.0x and rising).