Several month's ago i noticed that the KFC next to the movie theater had incorporated a second restaurnat within it. I couldn't believe what the new restaurant was, it was A&W's!!!
I still rmember 20 odd years ago being a child and my parents taking me and my brothers to the local A&W was the kind we're you pulled up into the parking lot and parked next to a post that had a the menue on it. When you were ready to order you pushed a button...i can't remember if then you spoke into the mic and told your order...or if when you pushed the button it buzzed them inside to come out....or if there was a button at all...anyway they would eventually bring your order out to your vehicle and hang a tray off your window and you would all sit together in the vehicle and eat hot dogs and fries and drink the worlds best rootbeer. Always a fun time. And the place was only open in the spring/summer time.
I'm curious if A&W was across the whole U.S.?
So several months ago when i seen that an A&W existed in England...i couldn't wait to try it out. Well i finally did on thursday night!
As far as i could tell it was just as good as i remember. The hotdogs come with onions, mustard and ketchup on them...and the hotdog has that slightly tough skin that you break through, it tasted excellent.
This time i had just got the plain hotdog, but you can order chillidog or a chilli-cheese dog.
Then the A&W rootbeer was the authentic draft rootbeer. With FREE REFILLS!
I definitely give the place a thumbs up.
I noticed on the wall there was a framed A&W work shirt that was signed by someone and said "congratulations with being the first drive-thru A&W in the UK!"
I know back home you can buy canned A&W rootbeer, but that can nowhere touch the taste of real draft A&W rootbeer.
Well just wanted to share my excitement of finding and having A&W food.