Everyone probably knows about this tip, but just in case there are others out there that are as challenged in kitchen as I am, I thought I'd pass this along.
As many may know, finding coloured sugar in the UK can be difficult. I don't think I've ever seen it in any of the big supermarkets.
I checked on the net and sure enough, you can add food colouring to sugar to create your own. What the website didn't tell you was that with some colours you have to add so much colouring that the sugar becomes overly moist and tacky. Certainly not good enough for sprinkling on sugar cookies.
So what's a girl to do?
Pop it in the oven on 50C for about 8 minutes, until the sugar dries out. It may initially clump together, but with a little shake, it easily comes apart.
Voilà ... perfect coloured sugar.