We are from the UK and have been living in the US for nearly 7 years. we have 9 children, 4 of which were born in the US and hold US passports. we are moving back to the UK on the 24th MAY, bought our tickets, have a job, will have no house in the US anymore etc. we mailed off our US born childrens UK passport applications to Washington with plenty of time, and they turned up back at my door yesterday because 2 of the childrens birth certificates had been issued after they were 3 months old.urghhhh
anyhow Abtran or whatever its called the processing company said we have to get the hospital i nfo which will take another 7 to 10 days and then send it all back. we have to send the US passports with it all. we are running out of time!! there is no expedited way of doing it, they will not do anything to help even if we turn up at washington
would you just use the US passports to come back over to the UK, we have 1 way tickets, but the 4 children are 5,4,2 and 7 months. what will they do to us at immigration would they make us have to take the 4 children with the US passports back???sorry this is complicated, any help i would really appreciate:o