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Topic: Not completely silent  (Read 24194 times)

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Not completely silent
« on: September 11, 2002, 05:41:44 PM »
We seem to have developed a reputation in the 'House' for mischief. Today is not a day to either continue jovial practice or start more....not today.

I guess I speak on behalf of many of us, be we, non-american,  married, attached, friendly with....a UKY member,  when I just want to let you know that ..... we are here for you.  we don't expect you to ignore it and it'll be ok.  We don't expect you to pretend nothing has happened, and go hide in a corner if you feel tears welling up in your eyes.  Be yourselves...  be proud of your grief; if it hurts ,  you truly care , and you know it.

We share your grief and pain; we of all people demonstrate the bonds between the US and the UK (including Belgium and Europe!   ...I hope I included everyone). The memories will affect everyone differently.  I do not want to trawl up all the stuff from last year...  we've done that.  Now is the time for memory and contemplation,  and when you know you have a friend ....like us,  although we can't make it go away,  please know that we can share the heavy load a little.

My thoughts, our thoughts are with you.............  feel our warmth and know that our hearts are with you too

Steve ( Mr Pam/Itsbcoz...u know what I mean)

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Re: Not completely silent
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2002, 06:59:52 PM »
You are the sweetest bean ever. And you made me cry, but thank you - I haven't been able to yet today even though I felt it bubbling inside of me. Huge hugs to you, and thanks for being so sweet - as always. ((hug))
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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Re: Not completely silent
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2002, 09:07:56 PM »
Awwwe, thank you Steve...  :'(  you are very sweet.

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depths of our soul!

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