I would recommend the North American Sports Network (NASN). It isn't perfect, but all they show is North American (mostly US) sports. . . .I noticed you mentioned the Cowboys, though. The one major drawback to NASN is that they do not have rights to the NFL. (But, they do have college, including Gameday live, every week.) The good news is that Sky Sports carries quite a few NFL games on Sundays. And, with Sky Interactive, you can actually pick which games you watch, which is really nice! I think you have to get Sky cable for this, though.
And, by the way, Quarter-Gill, one of my friends in the US is an Englishman, and during the Champion's League he gets up at 4:00 or 5:00 AM to watch matches with other English folks in Houston. He also still drinks tea, smokes "fags," and asked me to bring him back some Heinz Baked Beans the next time I come back to the States. . . .But, although he's been in the States for ten years now and is a totally upstanding member of an American community, I guess I should just call Immigration and have them deport him. He clearly isn't "assimilating into the culture [he's] living in.". . .Or, maybe its just natural for some people to have this "thing" where they miss things from home, whether that's the US, the UK, or anywhere else. . . .