Hi there all!

Well, first I want to say that hubby (Laurie) and I have been ridiculous lurkers on this whole topic for ages now, and have followed so much of Sarah's advice. You have no idea how helpful all your continual information has been and we owe you a HUGE thank you! Sarah...you rock!! And all the rest of you do too!

Missy...good luck to you and we'll be waiting to hear all about your experience! It will be fine!
Now Liz, my friend who, with Stu, is so kind to keep Laurie going through this...

I hope our experience hasn't been what has put you off, because our case has been especially long and difficult for a number of reasons. We chose to have me come out here first and find a job, thereby allowing me to be the sponsor, due to a number of factors. Foremost was that my Mom suddenly dropped the bomb that she wanted to retire and move and therefore...were we interested in buying her place? Nothing like scrambling at the last minute!
So we thought it best that I get set up in employment to hopefully allow us to qualify for a mortgage. But frankly it has sucked having such a hectic and demanding position with such long hours...and no honey to come home to.

But you wouldn't be doing that Liz. So you've been seeing Laurie and hearing how miserable he and I both are and unfortunately the effect has probably not been exactly edifying on you and your curiosity about the repat process!

Then...when we should have been starting all the paperwork (we ARE doing DCF and got it ready before I left to go back and start my job), my dad was suddenly and shockingly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I didn't want to risk Laurie not being able to come into the country (which he can't do once the paperwork is in...and THAT sucks the most!), and he needed to come out and meet my dad, so we postponed things. The whole thing shouldn't have taken any more than 4 or so months, but now it's been stretched out to what we think will end up being almost 7 months apart (with the exception of a few visits). And last week was our one year wedding anniversary and we were 6000 miles away from each other. :\\\'(
I am not exceptionally close to my dad, but I have been trying to be the dutiful daughter and this whole thing has been extremely hard on me. So add not having Laurie here, to the stress of work, and this process...and we have probably given you every reason to think it will be a nightmare!
But the ball is now rolling and our credit card was debited last week (I was sooooo happy) so we keep crossing our fingers. And thank you Sarah, for what I NEVER read up on until I came here...in regards to sending all of the apps at the same time, thereby speeding it up...oh god please!
Liz, you CAN get through this and while it isn't fun, it is mostly just annoying and with your bundle of joy on the way...you guys will have plenty of time to research your options!

Oh, and while I'm here...I DO have a question (of course)...
Do those of you who have been through the DCF think that I should accompany Laurie to the final interview? First I had heard that they didn't really need me that day, but then when we looked at the checklist, we realized it said "passportS" plural. Meaning I guess they need mine as well??? SO since my visa is in there, I am not taking ANY chances in Fed Exing it or something. Plus since I will be the sponsor, in case they have any questions, I thought it may perhaps be better to be there to answer any possible questions. Hmmm....any ideas?? The drag will be that I don't have much vacation time available so I would have to fly in and out immediately and, well...nothing like doing two 11 hour flights in 3 days! We don't have an interview date yet, so maybe we'll be lucky and it will be a Mon or Fri...yeah right!
Good luck and all the best to all of you going through this!!