A Kipling PURSE(OOh, I just LOVE them!). No, not a wallet. A purse. The thing you put wallets into.
I'll say proper, quite, trousers, knickers, toMAHto, trolley, bonnet, pudding, and just about anything else on que now, but I hit a mental block whenever someone tries to get me to call a purse a bag and a wallet a purse. Just can't do it! 
And not a Billfold?
OTS but I think new items in the American language since the 1960's are Jam which use to be called Jelly (maybe a different composition) and Jelly which was called Jello.
Railway is still railroad. Motorway is Freeway/Interstate depending where people live.
I think the UK has been more influenced by Yankee English. Pictures are now movies.
I've noticed many more examples but I can't remember them right now.