Reeeeka - you are too cute!
I'm sorry your nerves have made you sick. 10 deep breaths!
Try to relax a little. It sounds as if you have your self all organized and only have few minor details left. I always leave my eyebrows until the day before I go on a trip too!
Just think about how much fun you are going to have!!!! You will completely relax once you see his face.
As far as the plane goes...I'm an aisle sitter and I am always happy to move for the window sitters!
If I happen to be in the window seat and the aisle or middle seat person gets up, sometimes I get up too - just to stretch my legs or use the toilet. This way those people don't have to get up again.
I've never been on a flight where they seat front-back and I fly at least twice a month? In fact this is the first time I've heard of that? Then again I never fly american or united - I guess each airline is different?
What NY airport are you flying into? Some of the terminals have little mini spas - you may have time for a mini treatment to help you relax. Check the airport's website to find out.