The problem with me is that I do really enjoy cooking and eating poultry and seafood -- so I'm a sort of pretend vegetarian.
I was having this argument with one of my coworkers - he was saying his friend is a vegetarian. I was like, cool. Then he said, well she will eat meat if she has to. I was like
that's NOT a vegetarian!! He said yes, it is, just you know, sometimes you don't have a choice. I said, um yes you do! She's not a vegetarian, she just doesn't eat red meat/pork! He tried to tell me that I should be more understanding and inclusive about it. I said, you know, I can SAY I'm a black male who's 6 feet tall but guess what - I'm not!
There's a definition and she does not fit it!!! He then looked it up online and was forced to agree with me.
I was at a client meeting once and we had a lunch halfway through - usually it's like a buffet with sandwiches but this time as it was a small meeting we all sat around a table and they served us plated meals guessed it, chicken. Of course I didn't eat it! I just pushed it around and ate the bread and vegetables. Hope no one noticed.
Well, I've never even heard of NOT tasting the food while it cooks. If it's part of his religion, I think you should do your best to respect his wishes, though.
Yeah it's not REALLY part of his religion...more part of the culture...but I guess in some sense that's why he is not comfortable with it.