Ah yes, those items. They go in the checked baggage. Even if security opens the bags, at least they can't put a face with the items.
Ah don't bet on it. I once got pulled off a plane and returned to the boarding gate. There was my checked bag. A lot of questions later they let me pull out my wife's hair straighteners. It was still embarassing. And then you have to walk the gaunlet of glares from the other passengers.
I personally think security is over the top (minature nail clippers? - I complained to them and the guy said we have rules and then pointed to the pen in my pocket and said I could do more damage with that but we don't take them).
Although we have no choice and have to accept the situation as it is, there is no reason for the attitude/behaviour of the US security officials. Politeness costs nothing!
I have said this before and a few people justified the security's attitude/behavior by saying, 'They're only doing their job. How would you feel if you were doing their job? It must be boring as hell day in and day out for them.'
Well yes it may but the poor person behind the counter in McDonald's is in a similiar position and they are courteous. The policemen that pull me over are only doing their job yet are always firm but polite (well maybe not when I was a 70's long haired, van driving non-redneck 16 year old in MS).
There is no need for abrupt rude mean behaviour. It would go along way to making passengers less stressed in a highly stressed enviroment.
Her recently-deceased grandmother had given it to her when she taught my mom how to crochet, as a little girl. ?And apparently they said, "we have a weapon here!" ?My mom was so embarrassed; she cried.
Why can't they provide a service to hold/forward these so called weapons? I would be willing to accept a charge for such a service than having to dispose a valued treasure. We need to remember that not all people are experienced fliers and have no idea what to expect.