Can someone provide clarification on which part(s) of the two years are supposed to be covered in the documents?
I know I need to provide documents from each of the two years, but for which month?
For example, I got my FLR in June 2005.
For the period of June 2005-June 2006, I worked from July 2005 and am still working.
When it comes to payslips, do I supply, my first payslip for that year, my last payslip, every payslip I received that year, or what?
I got a joint bank account with my husband when I moved over in April. Do I supply our first statement of the year, all 12 of our monthly statements, just a few statements scattered throughout the year, etc?
The same goes for all other periodic statements - such as from credit cards, IRAs, utility bills, etc.
If I supply every single statement I've received from every source, rather than one to a few a year from each source, I'm going to have to supply an awful lot of paper.