Hiya APStyle!
From an IT Techie point of view and something that's already been mentioned before there are advantages and disadvantages to both systems. One thing I'd like to point out however, is the 'you wont get problems with a MAC', 'you won't get crashes' or 'you dont have to worry about viruses, email worms etc as theyre mostly for the PC' type musings often made by MAC users.
This is untrue. Ok, the 'frequency' of problems is less but it sure doesn't mean you can put it out of mind! - A MAC although currently needs 'less' maintenence, needs just as much 'vigilence' in terms of online threats, and 'system maintenence'.
Also, a well looked after PC can and does perform perfectly and the user can be comfortable in knowing all is 'shipshape'
For you particular requirements, you'll be able to find applications if they're not already built into the OS, available for a MAC platform. Be aware however, if you're needs increase or change in the future, there may not be MAC compatible versions of software that you'd really like or want.
Gone are the 'old' days of 'MAC Vs PC' which used to be that MAC's were 'mainly' used in Graphics studios and the like, the recent MACS really have become consumer friendly.
If you're still finding yourself umming and arring, get the MAC notebook you want and get say an older PC or laptop for using other software not available for your mac - best of both worlds huh!
If you have any specific techy advice - feel free to post back here or PM me and i'll do my best for yer!
Dennis! West London & Slough UK!