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Topic: Permit-Free Employment Visa?  (Read 881 times)

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Permit-Free Employment Visa?
« on: May 17, 2006, 04:30:18 PM »
Anyone know anything about applying for the Permit-free employment visa, as well as applying as a spouse (and children) of the holder of that visa?

DH has submitted his name for consideration for a job that will fall under this category, and we're just trying to get as much info as we can (long-shot that this will come through, but better to be prepared!)

Any info you have on this would be appreciated.

Re: Permit-Free Employment Visa?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 05:43:20 PM »
Once he gets his offer and accommodation (etc) sorted, use the fast-track system to enter his application plus one for each accompanying dependent.  If the consulate wants an interview, they will get in touch...

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Re: Permit-Free Employment Visa?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2006, 06:27:55 PM »
Do you know if on this type of visa if we are allowed to come and go outside of the UK (EU countries, back to the US to visit, etc), would I (the spouse) be able to find work once I'm there, etc.? How long is it generally valid? A few years, or just until the permit-free "employment" is complete? (DH is a pastor, so we would be tied to a specific employer).

Re: Permit-Free Employment Visa?
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 06:50:27 PM »
Do you know if on this type of visa if we are allowed to come and go outside of the UK (EU countries, back to the US to visit, etc), would I (the spouse) be able to find work once I'm there, etc.? How long is it generally valid? A few years, or just until the permit-free "employment" is complete? (DH is a pastor, so we would be tied to a specific employer).

You would get an entry clearance stamp showing permit-free employment and as long as the primary is within the terms of the original employment, then it's fine to travel or do what the other dependents here do.  It is not different in that way.  If he changes employers or they don't continue his employment, then it's back to square 1 and he needs another entry clearance from a foreign post.  As long as it continues, he can renew the visa from here by getting an IED from Croydon or Liverpool or any other PEO.

Time spent on PFE is bookable residence.

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Re: Permit-Free Employment Visa?
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2006, 04:33:17 AM »
Time spent on PFE is bookable residence.

"Bookable" how? I've just started doing some research, but I was skipping over a lot of information I think by just looking for the PFE info. Does it count towards citizenship, or some other "benefit" (I hate calling citizenship a benefit, wrong term, but it's late and I have no brain cells left.)? I'd love for this, should we be offered the job, to keep us in the UK indefinitely... which eventually would possibly mean me being able to work a little every now and then once the babies are older (we have infant twins). I guess I'm just not sure, and am having trouble finding info on the UK's visa website, about what exactly it is that other dependents "do". I'm assuming as well that residence gained under the PFE also entitle us to NHS care and such?

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