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Topic: Spousal visa  (Read 1878 times)

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Spousal visa
« on: May 25, 2006, 12:30:43 PM »
Sorry it has taken so long to let you all know we got back yesterday and Chris got his visa no problem we where in there about 5 minutes including waiting time handed the chap at the counter the documents he asked for and he said sorted come back in an hour for your visa.

We where asked for bank statements application form pics and proof of where chris would be living he photo copied the stuff except bank statements he just looked at the last page of the one for final balance and he did not even ask for Chris's bank statements just mine.

We came through heathrow no problems the guy we got said to Chris enjoy the uk and living here congrats on  your marriage.

The story is far longer but will let you all know what happened when we have recovered from the jet lag. (the visa could not have gone easier if we had tried) for all of you worrying about it it was the only part that went smoothly.  long story to follow latter.

Thanks to eveyone for the help we got here.  Your really do not need an advisor just bank statements up to date and with proof of funds. I am glad we took all the paper work we did though as we could have needed it.

Mod Edit:
Each immigration case is different.  Some are very straight forward, others more complicated.  If you are concerned about your application, we will always suggest obtaining professional advice.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2006, 12:08:10 PM by Cait »

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Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2006, 12:46:23 PM »
Your really do not need an advisor just bank statements up to date and with proof of funds.

Well done, glad it worked out, but with all due respect I have seen stronger applications refused, and I strongly suspect that if Chris had been Indian or Algerian you'd have been laughed out of the consulate.

You *seldom* need an advisor...if you have a) advisors helping you out here b) others who have gone through the experience helping you out c) are from a western country d) have white skin.

Well done again.


Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 02:25:44 PM »
With due respect and thanks.

We had help on certain questions but finances ie self employment our main concern at the time we got no advice at all off you or anyone else and I believe that Chris's application was strong as we are in a genuine and loving relationship and marriage, our finances where fine and we saw alot of people who where asian and other cultures they all got there visa's only one lady got sent out she had not got the right paper work and they asked her to get it faxed to them we know this because we talked to quiet a few people in the cafe up the street and outside by the telephone box and the little street vender.

They where all very nice in the consulate and we got treated really well and we where extremely anxious and nervous before there was no need to worry, Chris and I and his mom where all in tears after with happiness relief and joy.

We got a great start from BA Chris had a bit of an issue with the seat and I was talking to one of the crew and the next thing we where being transported to first class they where fantastic.

We got stopped at immigration usa side and called down stairs I told them we where getting married the 3 people in a very big room where great said enjoy your day and your honey moon told the guy upstairs off for sending us down to them and that was that and we got 3 and half weeks of rain the justice of the peace did not turn up so we had to go to the town hall in Plymouth and just as we arrived home he was leaving and he was drunk errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It took us an hour to get a bus after getting off the train in New York never thougt we where going to get to the consulate 2 buses later we got there, we walked back and we got a really hot day there. 

All in all we really have a fantastic story to tell our grandchildren and regardless of everything that went wrong for us it was really fantastic nothing could put us off being happy and now we are onto our new life I have an amazing husband and a fantastic new family who love us all as much as we love them boy's included in the we.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2006, 02:33:55 PM »
As I said, that's great, but I still am very sure that the application would have been refused if Chris had been Indian or Algerian.  I'm not getting at you, I am just pointing out that this approval proves how much inequality there is in the system.


Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2006, 03:07:26 PM »
As I said, that's great, but I still am very sure that the application would have been refused if Chris had been Indian or Algerian.  I'm not getting at you, I am just pointing out that this approval proves how much inequality there is in the system.


Or even white in the strict sense of the term, but rather northern european white...

Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2006, 03:27:56 PM »
We had help on certain questions but finances ie self employment our main concern at the time we got no advice at all off you or anyone else

Presumably I didn't answer a couple of dozen pm's either?   :-\\\\

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Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2006, 03:29:29 PM »
Congratulations on getting everything done and getting back to the UK as a married couple!

Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2006, 04:57:16 PM »
Thanks to eveyone for the help we got here.  Your really do not need an advisor just bank statements up to date and with proof of funds. I am glad we took all the paper work we did though as we could have needed it.

No offense but telling people all they need are bank statements and proof of funds after receiving as much advice as you received here could be a bit misleading. 

I'm glad it went smoothly for you but this certainly isn't the norm for many others, hence, why there is a need for advisors.

TBH I find it a bit concerning that these Consulates don't appear to be dotting all their i's and crossing all their t's when it comes to certain applications v. those of others.  I mean, why have rules at all if your Consulates just apply them in a seemingly ad hoc fashion?   :-\\\\

Anyhoo, congrats!

Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2006, 11:15:26 PM »
I did not say that all you need was bank statements if you read all of it I listed what we where asked for but I would as I also said still have taken everything we collected in the 6 months prior to our going over to get married better to be safe than sorry I had everything I could put my hands on and more.

Thanks for the congrats

And Garry yes you did answer a couple of PMS but when I asked about something that was really worrying me you told me to go to Victoria, the thing is when you are in the situation I and 1000's more on this board and all over the world are or have gone through you do not always think straight and a helping hand is really needed, I was worried about self employment and there is no info as such on this IE what you should take I took everything and by the way anyone who is self employed something with the name of the company is required bank statements reg with companies house if limited that type of thing.

I was worried about Chris having a disability, prejudice comes in many forms to many people for no reasonable reason. We just have to hope we met people who are nice in this life and accept others differences as we all have them.

Again thanks to all of you that we talked to got advice off and good luck to everyone who is waiting or planning this is a very stressful time.

But it all worked out for us and I would say to anyone in the same position ask as many questions as you can if you do not get an answer or no one seems sure take it anyway we did we did not need it but I am glad we did take all the info to late to go back and get it if they did ask.

Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2006, 12:07:35 AM »
And Garry yes you did answer a couple of PMS but when I asked about something that was really worrying me you told me to go to Victoria

When somebody pm's both of us simultaneously, I defer to Victoria.  Vicky is a sweetheart - I adore her, and on the other hand, I have clients with serious problems to take up.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2006, 12:13:00 PM by Cait »

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Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2006, 12:13:23 AM »
So although you got loads of advice from me and Garry, you have still told people here that advisors are not needed...




P.S. Garry- back at ya!   ;)

Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2006, 09:44:02 AM »
Your really do not need an advisor just bank statements up to date and with proof of funds.

I did not say that all you need was bank statements

Yeah you did.

Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2006, 10:47:45 AM »
Is this an attack I should take personally or do you do this to everyone who says an advisor is not needed?

I think after all the worries everyone has on here yes advice is great and is needed if it helps others, maybe there is a problem because it is all chris and I where asked for along with the other items I listed.

Oh well who knows.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2006, 12:15:39 PM by Cait »

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Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2006, 10:56:15 AM »
I think you will find that I have at no point attacked you, and I was grateful for your defence on the 'other' forum, where you told them that I had assisted you quite a lot.  This is why I am now confused that you have turned around and said that advisors aren't needed when clearly in your situation they were, and you got more free advice from Garry and I than most other people I have spoken to on this forum on any other. 

I am also concerned that if you tell people that advisors aren't needed and then suggest that only bank statements are needed that someone will take your advice and that they application will fail.

Finally, I am trying to point out that YOU GOT LUCKY.  This is a fact.  I would have put money on your application failing.  If other people, especially those from developing countries or Eastern Europe, had applications such as yours, they would fail.  This pisses me off, not because I don't want Chris in the UK, but because there are other cases at least as deserving as yours which get refused.

If you feel I have treated you badly I am quite bemused how. 


Re: Spousal visa
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2006, 11:32:17 AM »
Look when I said advisors are not needed I ment with the help of this site and to be fair if your application is straight forward ( but who knows till you get there what they consider to be straight forward) you do not need to go and pay for someone, We had people on this site who where fantastic and when we where really worried jumped into give support, but there seem to be a fair few people who have not gone direct to an advisor and this is what I ment ie they came knocking on your door.

Its a shame so much is put right into a simple there was no being funny just oh my god we did it and all that panic and upset and we are here home and happy I wrote within hours of getting off a plane and being up since the early hours it was a quick oh we got married I understand why others said do not worry or calm down shame when I put something on here   it seems to be taken out of context or interpreted in the negative.

We let everyone know we had got the visa that was that I would had I not been battered over the head finished what I had started writing I believe I said I will write more when....................

Oh well

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