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Topic: ILR Questions again: To include or not include  (Read 1256 times)

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ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« on: May 26, 2006, 08:56:49 AM »
Okay because we live in a co-owned house a lot of our early bills were not in our names.  We have bank statements, credit cards and other items to cover that period.  We also have current year bills in both our names.

I have close to 40 original documents to support our ILR application in this category.

What I am wondering though is:

1. Should I include our current year Council Tax bill that is in my husbands name and his fathers name?  They know I live here, but because I am not an "owner" nor main wage earner I am not included on the bill. I don't want to confuse them, but it does show my DH lives here.  We are also inlcluding notarised copies of the title.

2.  We have included our Driving Licences (shows same address) and our passports as well. Do I really need to show them our brith certificates and marriage certificates again?  (All of these type of things were sent to them in NY when we applied for the entry Clearence Spousal Visa.) We have been married for over 5 years now.

3.  Are one or two copies okay if they are included as incidentals?  I can't send them my self-employed tax return for this year as I need to fill it out, nor can I send them my pregnancy file as I will need it too.  I just thought these could be "extra" bits to show that we are in a relationship and residing at the same house.

4.  One more thing... do I need to include a postage stamped special delivery envelope so they can post it back?

I hate this because it always seems like you never have enough!


« Last Edit: May 26, 2006, 08:59:22 AM by vnicepeeps »
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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2006, 09:01:13 AM »
Put everything in chronological order, make a table of contents and take it all. I had to go twice. Just take it all. Use a tartan shopping trolley if you need to. Take it all!  ;D

Oh--edited to say I just noticed you're mailing it in. I went in person because I don't trust them not to screw it up. I'm pretty sure they won't be happy with photocopies of anything. Other than that, can't offer advice. Soz!

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2006, 09:05:19 AM »
Good morning

1)  If you need the council tax form as an extra bit of evidence than send it, but if you feel you have enough then don't worry.  You *should* however be listed with the local council and have your name on the book, so you might want to change this.

2)  You do need to send the marriage certificate again, though not birth certificates.

3)  If you have enough evidence of originals then there is no problem chucking in a few copies...though if you have enough originals you probably don't need to send this extra stuff at all!

4)  No.  They wouldn't use it anyway!


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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2006, 09:09:44 AM »
Good morning!

Okay.. out to hunt down marriage certs!

and as for the council...it has been an ongoing battle.

I wanted my name on it... we have a whole file just with letters back and forth to them.... I think I might put some of those in as well to so they can see we tried. :-)

So I don't need holiday photos, or sworn affidavits or any of those things?  I had all of those for both the USA visas for DH and my first UK visa.

Thanks again!

The wiring in our brain is not static, not irrevocably fixed.  Our brains are adaptable. -Mattieu Ricard

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I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions. -D.Day

Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2006, 09:31:02 AM »
Good morning!

Okay.. out to hunt down marriage certs!

and as for the council...it has been an ongoing battle.

I wanted my name on it... we have a whole file just with letters back and forth to them.... I think I might put some of those in as well to so they can see we tried. :-)

So I don't need holiday photos, or sworn affidavits or any of those things?  I had all of those for both the USA visas for DH and my first UK visa.

Thanks again!

Correspondence with the council of any sort is nice, hard, high-quality evidence.  Parking tickets, rubbish notices, complaints from the neighbours, what-have-you.  It's the stuff advisers dream about because it makes everything easy! (even letters having them tell you they can't put your name on their list).

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2006, 09:45:09 AM »
No sworn affidavits needed, no photos needed.

And what Garry said!

« Last Edit: May 26, 2006, 10:47:16 AM by VictoriaS »

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2006, 10:26:26 AM »
TV license? Inland revenue correspondence?

Hey found a Residents parking letter!

I am itemising and placing it all in chronological order.

What fun!

Thanks again peeps... it means a lot!

The wiring in our brain is not static, not irrevocably fixed.  Our brains are adaptable. -Mattieu Ricard

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2006, 10:27:28 AM »
You'll be fine, P!  If anyone should be allowed to stay here indefinitely, it's you!   :-*

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2006, 10:32:32 AM »
LOL!  I hope so Lola! I thought it best not to include a why I love the West Country statement though!

 I can just imagine the scenario.... PG woman ties self to Smeaton's Tower lighthouse....She was denied ILR and must return to USA leaving distraught DH behind!  ::)

I'd rather not...

still  I am thanking my stars that I am a pack rat and save every scrap of paper.... that or we have been playing the immigration game too long....now if I only saved them in ONE location instead of in three or four!

I just want it over and my passport back! 


The wiring in our brain is not static, not irrevocably fixed.  Our brains are adaptable. -Mattieu Ricard

Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. -Benjamin Franklin

I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions. -D.Day

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2006, 10:35:08 AM »
Hi VNP, I got y IRL back today, and had it sent special delivery and also had it returned the same way. I like the thought of knowing there was a way of tracking my passport and other documents like the marriage certificate.  :)

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2006, 10:58:10 AM »
Thanks Evo.. so how long did it take them for yours may I ask?
The wiring in our brain is not static, not irrevocably fixed.  Our brains are adaptable. -Mattieu Ricard

Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. -Benjamin Franklin

I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions. -D.Day

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2006, 11:00:39 AM »
Seven weeks, although I noticed the date on the actual visa and it's dated three weeks before that. ::)

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #12 on: May 26, 2006, 05:47:34 PM »
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!  It's off!  Arrives Tuesday...
The wiring in our brain is not static, not irrevocably fixed.  Our brains are adaptable. -Mattieu Ricard

Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. -Benjamin Franklin

I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions. -D.Day

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Re: ILR Questions again: To include or not include
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2006, 05:58:02 PM »
and just in case anyone wants to know what I did....

 I put it all in a nice plastic pocket folder.  Nice cover letter, a place for the completed SET (M) and attached check, a 1.5 page outline of what was in each document section.  I divided it into primary doucments and secondary,  with secondary being further subdivided with each sub-section having it's own pocket.  Primary included all our passports, Drivers licences, marriage cert and last three months pay slips to help show financial situation and no need for public funds.  Secondary was everything else from National Trust membership letter, more wage slips, banking info covering the last two years (not every statement!), plane ticket iterinaries, tax/Inland revenue info, local Plymouth city stuff, NHS letters, DSA stuff , bills, deeds and title to the house, and anything and everything official looking I could gather for the last two years.  It was over an inch and a half thick! Probably over kill as it was double the documents they needed, but hey it's all organised and tidy!

I sent  it off special delivery!
The wiring in our brain is not static, not irrevocably fixed.  Our brains are adaptable. -Mattieu Ricard

Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. -Benjamin Franklin

I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions. -D.Day

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