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Topic: New road traffic regulations  (Read 656 times)

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New road traffic regulations
« on: June 07, 2006, 12:50:33 PM »
D of T Information Release
Tuesday, 23 May 2006

Due to declining driving standards in England, the Department for Transport has devised a new scheme in order to identify poor drivers and give good drivers the opportunity to recognise them whilst driving. For this reason as from the middle of May 2006 those drivers who are found to be driving badly, which includes...

* Hogging the middle lane of motorways
* Hogging the outside lane of motorways
* Overtaking in dangerous places
* Hovering within one metre of the car in front
* Stopping sharply at random
* Speeding in residential areas
* Pulling out without indication
* Performing U turns inappropriately in busy high streets
* Taking up more than one lane in multi lane roads
* Not indicating turns or lane-changing
* Gross misuse of horns on specific days in June and July

...will be required to display a flag, white with a red cross, signifying their inability to drive properly. These flags must be  clipped to a door of the car and be visible to all other drivers and pedestrians.

Those drivers who have shown particularly poor driving skills will be required to display a flag on each side of the car to indicate their greater lack of skill and general lower intelligence compared to the general public. A flag hanging outside a house will indicate that a whole family suffers from this unfortunate condition.

Please pass this on to as many other motorists as you can so that drivers and pedestrians will be aware of the meaning of these flags.
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Re: New road traffic regulations
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 10:25:59 PM »
Good! Very Good!  DH is a big England fan but he won't even go as for as putting the flags on the car. He says it looks stupid and tacky.  Plus he has since found out that putting the flags on the car increases the drag and you actually use more petrol!
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