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Topic: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!  (Read 2724 times)

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Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« on: June 14, 2006, 05:05:57 AM »

So, I jumped the gun a bit and bought my ticket to relocate months ago, so now here's my problem. I am leaving on July 17th, but I just found out I PROBABLY won't get my marriage certificate in time for my interview with the British Embassy. (Hawaii sure is a beautiful place to get married, but they sure aren't in any hurry to send you proof of the marriage). So, I called the British Embassy today to see if this would be a problem and the lady said if we have bills at the same address and other item "proving that we're a couple" it should be fine. I guess I'm going to take her word for it because she works at the office and I'm going to ASSUME she knows what she's talking about but doesn't that seem like wrong information? Has anyone else gone to their interview without a legal document to prove they were married? ( I have a keepsake certificate signed by the minister) I would really hate more than anything in the world to spend almost $500 for my visa and them kick it back. But I need to get all of this going super quick.

( I also sent a request to the Hawaii people to see if they could send me something on their letterhead stating that my license has been filed and that I'm waiting for the certificate, but they don't seem to be too on the ball).

Help, please!  :-\\\\


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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2006, 06:55:46 AM »
It sounds like she was talking about an unmarried partners visa.  If you're applying for a spousal visa, you'll need the marriage certificate (one w/ a raised seal, not the keepsake one) and you'll also need proof of any previous divorces.

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2006, 07:00:47 AM »
That's what I was thinking, but I did make sure to tell her that I was married, filed for the certificate, but it had not arrived yet. Do you think just to get there that I can apply for that in the meantime? And how will I get it changed once I get the certificate since we are "technically" married?

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2006, 07:02:20 AM »
You can't apply for the unmarried partners visa as you haven't been cohabitating for the past 2 years.  You'll have to wait for the marriage certificate in order to apply for a spousal visa.

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2006, 07:04:26 AM »
You can't apply for the unmarried partners visa as you haven't been cohabitating for the past 2 years.  You'll have to wait for the marriage certificate in order to apply for a spousal visa.

From http://www.britainusa.com/visas/articles_show_nt1.asp?i=65035&L1=41000&a=41033:

Documentary Requirements

1) Online application

2) Passport (note: It should be the original document and have ample validity)

3) One passport size photograph (Click here for example)

4) Spouses Passport

If your spouse is a British citizen by birth but does not hold a British passport then a full (long form) British birth certificate giving parents’ names will suffice. A British Visitor’s Passport is not sufficient.

If your spouse is entitled to right of abode in the United Kingdom but travels on a non-British passport, that passport containing the Certificate or stamp of the Right of Abode must be produced.

If your spouse is a foreign national with indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom, produce that passport.

If your spouse holds a British citizen passport, produce that passport.

5) Marriage certificate

This must be a civil marriage certificate issued by the registrar of marriage of the town or city where the marriage took place and bearing the appropriate seal of office.

A Civil marriage certificate issued by the relevant authorities of another country is acceptable, if accompanied by an official translation.

6) Termination of previous marriage

(i) divorce papers showing the date the divorce became final;
(ii) death certificate.

7) Letter Of Support

If you and your spouse do not attend this office in person we will require a letter stating that they are aware and support your application to settle with them in the United Kingdom, and that it is their intention that you will live permanently together as each other’s spouse.

8 ) Evidence Of Accommodation in the UK

This may come in various forms:

a) Lease or tenancy agreement for private rented property

b) Tenancy agreement with the local authority housing department

c) Mortgage papers for privately owned property

d) Title deeds (OR letter from the organization holding the deeds).

If you plan to stay temporarily with relatives or friends we require a letter from them giving their consent to this arrangement. In addition evidence in the form of (a), (b), (c) or (d) that they have suitable temporary accommodation available for you and your dependants.

NOTE: Under the Rules you must demonstrate that you have the intention and ability to acquire adequate accommodation of your own or which you occupy yourselves (i.e. a separate unit of accommodation. One room in a shared property may not be acceptable other than on a strictly temporary basis).

9) Financial Support

Evidence that you and your spouse can support yourselves and your dependants without recourse to public funds may include one or a combination of the following documents according to your circumstances.

a) Letter from your spouse’s employer in the United Kingdom stating the position in the company, length of service, annual salary and whether the position is permanent.

b) Offers of employment for either/both parties including details of salary.

c) Recent statements of bank and saving accounts showing sufficient means of support while employment is sought in the United Kingdom or for indefinite support if no employment is planned.

d) Educational or vocational certificates and C.V. to demonstrate qualification for potential employment in the area in which you plan to live.

e) References from previous employers.

f) Enquiries made regarding employment in the United Kingdom.

g) Plans for self-employment in the United Kingdom.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2006, 07:07:31 AM by Lola »

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2006, 07:10:54 AM »
Thank you! I have read all of that before, I guess the problem is...well, it's a lot of things. This is all such a pain in the butt, and whenever I call, I get different answers from people. Geez! I just wanna go be with my husband. I just don't understand why this woman told me I could come in without it, if I need it.  ???

The same thing happened with my husbands passport, one rep said I HAD to absolutely have his original passport. And another said I could have a notarized copy as long as I had the original birth certificate. ugh!!! I really can't afford to let me and my son's tickets go to waste.


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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2006, 07:14:31 AM »
People at the consulates get stuff wrong all the time, but I can guarantee you that you need your notarised marriage certificate.  That's the only proof you'll have of being Al's spouse and you cannot get a spousal visa any other way.  You must apply for a spousal visa because you are his spouse -- to attempt to settle in the UK under any other status is illegal.

Any idea at all when you'll get the certificate?  You can always rearrange your flight dates (for a price, I'm sure! ;)).

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2006, 07:21:49 AM »
They haven't given me a specific time frame yet, they said it may be in the system in a "couple of weeks". But that doesn't guarantee, I'll have it in time for my interview. And I have to have my interview by the July 3rd because the lady at the Embassy said I should give them at least 5 working days to process my application. So, I was going to give them 10.

Yes, the tickets can be rearranged, but it will cost me $150 each ticket. And I only have my son until the end of August.

This stinks!!

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2006, 07:26:17 AM »
And I have to have my interview by the July 3rd because the lady at the Embassy said I should give them at least 5 working days to process my application. So, I was going to give them 10.

Are you applying in person?  If so, you'll get the visa the same day (unless you have a very complicated situation or you've been denied entry into the UK).  The 5-10 processing days is for postal applications.

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2006, 07:33:07 AM »
Yes, I'm applying in person. She said that people always say you'll get it the same day, but that may not be the case and it's not a guarantee.

Looks like I picked the wrong lady to talk to. :P

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2006, 07:34:32 AM »
If everything is in order, you'll get it the same day, so try not to worry too much about that....just chase up that marriage certificate!   ;)

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2006, 08:10:04 PM »
OK!!! So, I called again today and spoke with someone else and they gave me the same information. They said that I do NOT need my marriage certificate. But I will need to bring as much information as possible to show that we are married. I made sure to tell her that we are married but not currently living together and she said it would be fine.

So, I have my appointment for July 3rd! I hope it all goes well.  :-\\\\

Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2006, 08:17:12 PM »
They said that I do NOT need my marriage certificate. But I will need to bring as much information as possible to show that we are married.

But how else can you PROVE that you're married?
Anyone can pose for photos in a wedding dress!   Im just wondering what they're expecting you to bring in to prove this...  ???

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2006, 09:21:51 PM »
I have a "temporary" certificate signed by the minister and my two witnesses, I have a receipt from the licensing office, and I have also correspondence with the Hawaii state office regarding the status of my certificate being shipped.

I know, I know, it sounds fishy to me too but I can only believe what they tell me. I would like to think that the people at the Embassy would know would know what they're talking about! [smiley=laugh4.gif] (even though I'm sure that may not always be the case). I still have 2 weeks so hopefully I'll get my certificate in time for the interview.

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Re: Crazy/Dumb/Silly Question...and I'm frustated!!!
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2006, 10:13:52 PM »
I have a "temporary" certificate signed by the minister and my two witnesses, I have a receipt from the licensing office, and I have also correspondence with the Hawaii state office regarding the status of my certificate being shipped.

Well if you'd said all this to start with..... ::)

You said 'keepsake certificate', as if it were a frivolous momento.  It sounds to me that what you have there is legal proof you are married.


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